Actual source code: dsbasic.c

slepc-main 2025-01-19
Report Typos and Errors
  1: /*
  2:    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  3:    SLEPc - Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations
  4:    Copyright (c) 2002-, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

  6:    This file is part of SLEPc.
  7:    SLEPc is distributed under a 2-clause BSD license (see LICENSE).
  8:    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  9: */
 10: /*
 11:    Basic DS routines
 12: */

 14: #include <slepc/private/dsimpl.h>

 16: PetscFunctionList DSList = NULL;
 17: PetscBool         DSRegisterAllCalled = PETSC_FALSE;
 18: PetscClassId      DS_CLASSID = 0;
 19: PetscLogEvent     DS_Solve = 0,DS_Vectors = 0,DS_Synchronize = 0,DS_Other = 0;
 20: static PetscBool  DSPackageInitialized = PETSC_FALSE;

 22: const char *DSStateTypes[] = {"RAW","INTERMEDIATE","CONDENSED","TRUNCATED","DSStateType","DS_STATE_",NULL};
 23: const char *DSParallelTypes[] = {"REDUNDANT","SYNCHRONIZED","DISTRIBUTED","DSParallelType","DS_PARALLEL_",NULL};
 24: const char *DSMatName[DS_NUM_MAT] = {"A","B","C","T","D","Q","Z","X","Y","U","V","W","E0","E1","E2","E3","E4","E5","E6","E7","E8","E9"};

 27: /*@C
 28:    DSFinalizePackage - This function destroys everything in the SLEPc interface
 29:    to the DS package. It is called from SlepcFinalize().

 31:    Level: developer

 33: .seealso: SlepcFinalize()
 34: @*/
 35: PetscErrorCode DSFinalizePackage(void)
 36: {
 37:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 38:   PetscCall(PetscFunctionListDestroy(&DSList));
 39:   DSPackageInitialized = PETSC_FALSE;
 40:   DSRegisterAllCalled  = PETSC_FALSE;
 41:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 42: }

 44: /*@C
 45:   DSInitializePackage - This function initializes everything in the DS package.
 46:   It is called from PetscDLLibraryRegister() when using dynamic libraries, and
 47:   on the first call to DSCreate() when using static libraries.

 49:   Level: developer

 51: .seealso: SlepcInitialize()
 52: @*/
 53: PetscErrorCode DSInitializePackage(void)
 54: {
 55:   char           logList[256];
 56:   PetscBool      opt,pkg;
 57:   PetscClassId   classids[1];

 59:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 60:   if (DSPackageInitialized) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 61:   DSPackageInitialized = PETSC_TRUE;
 62:   /* Register Classes */
 63:   PetscCall(PetscClassIdRegister("Direct Solver",&DS_CLASSID));
 64:   /* Register Constructors */
 65:   PetscCall(DSRegisterAll());
 66:   /* Register Events */
 67:   PetscCall(PetscLogEventRegister("DSSolve",DS_CLASSID,&DS_Solve));
 68:   PetscCall(PetscLogEventRegister("DSVectors",DS_CLASSID,&DS_Vectors));
 69:   PetscCall(PetscLogEventRegister("DSSynchronize",DS_CLASSID,&DS_Synchronize));
 70:   PetscCall(PetscLogEventRegister("DSOther",DS_CLASSID,&DS_Other));
 71:   /* Process Info */
 72:   classids[0] = DS_CLASSID;
 73:   PetscCall(PetscInfoProcessClass("ds",1,&classids[0]));
 74:   /* Process summary exclusions */
 75:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsGetString(NULL,NULL,"-log_exclude",logList,sizeof(logList),&opt));
 76:   if (opt) {
 77:     PetscCall(PetscStrInList("ds",logList,',',&pkg));
 78:     if (pkg) PetscCall(PetscLogEventDeactivateClass(DS_CLASSID));
 79:   }
 80:   /* Register package finalizer */
 81:   PetscCall(PetscRegisterFinalize(DSFinalizePackage));
 82:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 83: }

 85: /*@
 86:    DSCreate - Creates a DS context.

 88:    Collective

 90:    Input Parameter:
 91: .  comm - MPI communicator

 93:    Output Parameter:
 94: .  newds - location to put the DS context

 96:    Level: beginner

 98:    Note:
 99:    DS objects are not intended for normal users but only for
100:    advanced user that for instance implement their own solvers.

102: .seealso: DSDestroy(), DS
103: @*/
104: PetscErrorCode DSCreate(MPI_Comm comm,DS *newds)
105: {
106:   DS             ds;
107:   PetscInt       i;

109:   PetscFunctionBegin;
110:   PetscAssertPointer(newds,2);
111:   PetscCall(DSInitializePackage());
112:   PetscCall(SlepcHeaderCreate(ds,DS_CLASSID,"DS","Direct Solver (or Dense System)","DS",comm,DSDestroy,DSView));

114:   ds->state         = DS_STATE_RAW;
115:   ds->method        = 0;
116:   ds->compact       = PETSC_FALSE;
117:   ds->refined       = PETSC_FALSE;
118:   ds->extrarow      = PETSC_FALSE;
119:   ds->ld            = 0;
120:   ds->l             = 0;
121:   ds->n             = 0;
122:   ds->k             = 0;
123:   ds->t             = 0;
124:   ds->bs            = 1;
125:   ds->sc            = NULL;
126:   ds->pmode         = DS_PARALLEL_REDUNDANT;

128:   for (i=0;i<DS_NUM_MAT;i++) ds->omat[i] = NULL;
129:   ds->perm          = NULL;
130:   ds->data          = NULL;
131:   ds->scset         = PETSC_FALSE;
132:   ds->work          = NULL;
133:   ds->rwork         = NULL;
134:   ds->iwork         = NULL;
135:   ds->lwork         = 0;
136:   ds->lrwork        = 0;
137:   ds->liwork        = 0;

139:   *newds = ds;
140:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
141: }

143: /*@
144:    DSSetOptionsPrefix - Sets the prefix used for searching for all
145:    DS options in the database.

147:    Logically Collective

149:    Input Parameters:
150: +  ds - the direct solver context
151: -  prefix - the prefix string to prepend to all DS option requests

153:    Notes:
154:    A hyphen (-) must NOT be given at the beginning of the prefix name.
155:    The first character of all runtime options is AUTOMATICALLY the
156:    hyphen.

158:    Level: advanced

160: .seealso: DSAppendOptionsPrefix()
161: @*/
162: PetscErrorCode DSSetOptionsPrefix(DS ds,const char *prefix)
163: {
164:   PetscFunctionBegin;
166:   PetscCall(PetscObjectSetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)ds,prefix));
167:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
168: }

170: /*@
171:    DSAppendOptionsPrefix - Appends to the prefix used for searching for all
172:    DS options in the database.

174:    Logically Collective

176:    Input Parameters:
177: +  ds - the direct solver context
178: -  prefix - the prefix string to prepend to all DS option requests

180:    Notes:
181:    A hyphen (-) must NOT be given at the beginning of the prefix name.
182:    The first character of all runtime options is AUTOMATICALLY the hyphen.

184:    Level: advanced

186: .seealso: DSSetOptionsPrefix()
187: @*/
188: PetscErrorCode DSAppendOptionsPrefix(DS ds,const char *prefix)
189: {
190:   PetscFunctionBegin;
192:   PetscCall(PetscObjectAppendOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)ds,prefix));
193:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
194: }

196: /*@
197:    DSGetOptionsPrefix - Gets the prefix used for searching for all
198:    DS options in the database.

200:    Not Collective

202:    Input Parameters:
203: .  ds - the direct solver context

205:    Output Parameters:
206: .  prefix - pointer to the prefix string used is returned

208:    Note:
209:    On the Fortran side, the user should pass in a string 'prefix' of
210:    sufficient length to hold the prefix.

212:    Level: advanced

214: .seealso: DSSetOptionsPrefix(), DSAppendOptionsPrefix()
215: @*/
216: PetscErrorCode DSGetOptionsPrefix(DS ds,const char *prefix[])
217: {
218:   PetscFunctionBegin;
220:   PetscAssertPointer(prefix,2);
221:   PetscCall(PetscObjectGetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)ds,prefix));
222:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
223: }

225: /*@
226:    DSSetType - Selects the type for the DS object.

228:    Logically Collective

230:    Input Parameters:
231: +  ds   - the direct solver context
232: -  type - a known type

234:    Level: intermediate

236: .seealso: DSGetType()
237: @*/
238: PetscErrorCode DSSetType(DS ds,DSType type)
239: {
240:   PetscErrorCode (*r)(DS);
241:   PetscBool      match;

243:   PetscFunctionBegin;
245:   PetscAssertPointer(type,2);

247:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)ds,type,&match));
248:   if (match) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);

250:   PetscCall(PetscFunctionListFind(DSList,type,&r));
251:   PetscCheck(r,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ds),PETSC_ERR_ARG_UNKNOWN_TYPE,"Unable to find requested DS type %s",type);

253:   PetscTryTypeMethod(ds,destroy);
254:   PetscCall(DSReset(ds));
255:   PetscCall(PetscMemzero(ds->ops,sizeof(struct _DSOps)));

257:   PetscCall(PetscObjectChangeTypeName((PetscObject)ds,type));
258:   PetscCall((*r)(ds));
259:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
260: }

262: /*@
263:    DSGetType - Gets the DS type name (as a string) from the DS context.

265:    Not Collective

267:    Input Parameter:
268: .  ds - the direct solver context

270:    Output Parameter:
271: .  type - name of the direct solver

273:    Level: intermediate

275: .seealso: DSSetType()
276: @*/
277: PetscErrorCode DSGetType(DS ds,DSType *type)
278: {
279:   PetscFunctionBegin;
281:   PetscAssertPointer(type,2);
282:   *type = ((PetscObject)ds)->type_name;
283:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
284: }

286: /*@
287:    DSDuplicate - Creates a new direct solver object with the same options as
288:    an existing one.

290:    Collective

292:    Input Parameter:
293: .  ds - direct solver context

295:    Output Parameter:
296: .  dsnew - location to put the new DS

298:    Notes:
299:    DSDuplicate() DOES NOT COPY the matrices, and the new DS does not even have
300:    internal arrays allocated. Use DSAllocate() to use the new DS.

302:    The sorting criterion options are not copied, see DSSetSlepcSC().

304:    Level: intermediate

306: .seealso: DSCreate(), DSAllocate(), DSSetSlepcSC()
307: @*/
308: PetscErrorCode DSDuplicate(DS ds,DS *dsnew)
309: {
310:   PetscFunctionBegin;
312:   PetscAssertPointer(dsnew,2);
313:   PetscCall(DSCreate(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ds),dsnew));
314:   if (((PetscObject)ds)->type_name) PetscCall(DSSetType(*dsnew,((PetscObject)ds)->type_name));
315:   (*dsnew)->method   = ds->method;
316:   (*dsnew)->compact  = ds->compact;
317:   (*dsnew)->refined  = ds->refined;
318:   (*dsnew)->extrarow = ds->extrarow;
319:   (*dsnew)->bs       = ds->bs;
320:   (*dsnew)->pmode    = ds->pmode;
321:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
322: }

324: /*@
325:    DSSetMethod - Selects the method to be used to solve the problem.

327:    Logically Collective

329:    Input Parameters:
330: +  ds   - the direct solver context
331: -  meth - an index identifying the method

333:    Options Database Key:
334: .  -ds_method <meth> - Sets the method

336:    Level: intermediate

338: .seealso: DSGetMethod()
339: @*/
340: PetscErrorCode DSSetMethod(DS ds,PetscInt meth)
341: {
342:   PetscFunctionBegin;
345:   PetscCheck(meth>=0,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ds),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"The method must be a non-negative integer");
346:   PetscCheck(meth<=DS_MAX_SOLVE,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ds),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Too large value for the method");
347:   ds->method = meth;
348:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
349: }

351: /*@
352:    DSGetMethod - Gets the method currently used in the DS.

354:    Not Collective

356:    Input Parameter:
357: .  ds - the direct solver context

359:    Output Parameter:
360: .  meth - identifier of the method

362:    Level: intermediate

364: .seealso: DSSetMethod()
365: @*/
366: PetscErrorCode DSGetMethod(DS ds,PetscInt *meth)
367: {
368:   PetscFunctionBegin;
370:   PetscAssertPointer(meth,2);
371:   *meth = ds->method;
372:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
373: }

375: /*@
376:    DSSetParallel - Selects the mode of operation in parallel runs.

378:    Logically Collective

380:    Input Parameters:
381: +  ds    - the direct solver context
382: -  pmode - the parallel mode

384:    Options Database Key:
385: .  -ds_parallel <mode> - Sets the parallel mode, 'redundant', 'synchronized'
386:    or 'distributed'

388:    Notes:
389:    In the 'redundant' parallel mode, all processes will make the computation
390:    redundantly, starting from the same data, and producing the same result.
391:    This result may be slightly different in the different processes if using a
392:    multithreaded BLAS library, which may cause issues in ill-conditioned problems.

394:    In the 'synchronized' parallel mode, only the first MPI process performs the
395:    computation and then the computed quantities are broadcast to the other
396:    processes in the communicator. This communication is not done automatically,
397:    an explicit call to DSSynchronize() is required.

399:    The 'distributed' parallel mode can be used in some DS types only, such
400:    as the contour integral method of DSNEP. In this case, every MPI process
401:    will be in charge of part of the computation.

403:    Level: advanced

405: .seealso: DSSynchronize(), DSGetParallel()
406: @*/
407: PetscErrorCode DSSetParallel(DS ds,DSParallelType pmode)
408: {
409:   PetscFunctionBegin;
412:   ds->pmode = pmode;
413:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
414: }

416: /*@
417:    DSGetParallel - Gets the mode of operation in parallel runs.

419:    Not Collective

421:    Input Parameter:
422: .  ds - the direct solver context

424:    Output Parameter:
425: .  pmode - the parallel mode

427:    Level: advanced

429: .seealso: DSSetParallel()
430: @*/
431: PetscErrorCode DSGetParallel(DS ds,DSParallelType *pmode)
432: {
433:   PetscFunctionBegin;
435:   PetscAssertPointer(pmode,2);
436:   *pmode = ds->pmode;
437:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
438: }

440: /*@
441:    DSSetCompact - Switch to compact storage of matrices.

443:    Logically Collective

445:    Input Parameters:
446: +  ds   - the direct solver context
447: -  comp - a boolean flag

449:    Notes:
450:    Compact storage is used in some DS types such as DSHEP when the matrix
451:    is tridiagonal. This flag can be used to indicate whether the user
452:    provides the matrix entries via the compact form (the tridiagonal DS_MAT_T)
453:    or the non-compact one (DS_MAT_A).

455:    The default is PETSC_FALSE.

457:    Level: advanced

459: .seealso: DSGetCompact()
460: @*/
461: PetscErrorCode DSSetCompact(DS ds,PetscBool comp)
462: {
463:   PetscFunctionBegin;
466:   if (ds->compact != comp && ds->ld) PetscTryTypeMethod(ds,setcompact,comp);
467:   ds->compact = comp;
468:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
469: }

471: /*@
472:    DSGetCompact - Gets the compact storage flag.

474:    Not Collective

476:    Input Parameter:
477: .  ds - the direct solver context

479:    Output Parameter:
480: .  comp - the flag

482:    Level: advanced

484: .seealso: DSSetCompact()
485: @*/
486: PetscErrorCode DSGetCompact(DS ds,PetscBool *comp)
487: {
488:   PetscFunctionBegin;
490:   PetscAssertPointer(comp,2);
491:   *comp = ds->compact;
492:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
493: }

495: /*@
496:    DSSetExtraRow - Sets a flag to indicate that the matrix has one extra
497:    row.

499:    Logically Collective

501:    Input Parameters:
502: +  ds  - the direct solver context
503: -  ext - a boolean flag

505:    Notes:
506:    In Krylov methods it is useful that the matrix representing the direct solver
507:    has one extra row, i.e., has dimension (n+1) x n. If this flag is activated, all
508:    transformations applied to the right of the matrix also affect this additional
509:    row. In that case, (n+1) must be less or equal than the leading dimension.

511:    The default is PETSC_FALSE.

513:    Level: advanced

515: .seealso: DSSolve(), DSAllocate(), DSGetExtraRow()
516: @*/
517: PetscErrorCode DSSetExtraRow(DS ds,PetscBool ext)
518: {
519:   PetscFunctionBegin;
522:   PetscCheck(!ext || ds->n==0 || ds->n!=ds->ld,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ds),PETSC_ERR_ORDER,"Cannot set extra row after setting n=ld");
523:   ds->extrarow = ext;
524:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
525: }

527: /*@
528:    DSGetExtraRow - Gets the extra row flag.

530:    Not Collective

532:    Input Parameter:
533: .  ds - the direct solver context

535:    Output Parameter:
536: .  ext - the flag

538:    Level: advanced

540: .seealso: DSSetExtraRow()
541: @*/
542: PetscErrorCode DSGetExtraRow(DS ds,PetscBool *ext)
543: {
544:   PetscFunctionBegin;
546:   PetscAssertPointer(ext,2);
547:   *ext = ds->extrarow;
548:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
549: }

551: /*@
552:    DSSetRefined - Sets a flag to indicate that refined vectors must be
553:    computed.

555:    Logically Collective

557:    Input Parameters:
558: +  ds  - the direct solver context
559: -  ref - a boolean flag

561:    Notes:
562:    Normally the vectors returned in DS_MAT_X are eigenvectors of the
563:    projected matrix. With this flag activated, DSVectors() will return
564:    the right singular vector of the smallest singular value of matrix
565:    \tilde{A}-theta*I, where \tilde{A} is the extended (n+1)xn matrix
566:    and theta is the Ritz value. This is used in the refined Ritz
567:    approximation.

569:    The default is PETSC_FALSE.

571:    Level: advanced

573: .seealso: DSVectors(), DSGetRefined()
574: @*/
575: PetscErrorCode DSSetRefined(DS ds,PetscBool ref)
576: {
577:   PetscFunctionBegin;
580:   ds->refined = ref;
581:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
582: }

584: /*@
585:    DSGetRefined - Gets the refined vectors flag.

587:    Not Collective

589:    Input Parameter:
590: .  ds - the direct solver context

592:    Output Parameter:
593: .  ref - the flag

595:    Level: advanced

597: .seealso: DSSetRefined()
598: @*/
599: PetscErrorCode DSGetRefined(DS ds,PetscBool *ref)
600: {
601:   PetscFunctionBegin;
603:   PetscAssertPointer(ref,2);
604:   *ref = ds->refined;
605:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
606: }

608: /*@
609:    DSSetBlockSize - Sets the block size.

611:    Logically Collective

613:    Input Parameters:
614: +  ds - the direct solver context
615: -  bs - the block size

617:    Options Database Key:
618: .  -ds_block_size <bs> - Sets the block size

620:    Level: intermediate

622: .seealso: DSGetBlockSize()
623: @*/
624: PetscErrorCode DSSetBlockSize(DS ds,PetscInt bs)
625: {
626:   PetscFunctionBegin;
629:   PetscCheck(bs>0,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ds),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"The block size must be at least one");
630:   ds->bs = bs;
631:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
632: }

634: /*@
635:    DSGetBlockSize - Gets the block size.

637:    Not Collective

639:    Input Parameter:
640: .  ds - the direct solver context

642:    Output Parameter:
643: .  bs - block size

645:    Level: intermediate

647: .seealso: DSSetBlockSize()
648: @*/
649: PetscErrorCode DSGetBlockSize(DS ds,PetscInt *bs)
650: {
651:   PetscFunctionBegin;
653:   PetscAssertPointer(bs,2);
654:   *bs = ds->bs;
655:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
656: }

658: /*@C
659:    DSSetSlepcSC - Sets the sorting criterion context.

661:    Logically Collective

663:    Input Parameters:
664: +  ds - the direct solver context
665: -  sc - a pointer to the sorting criterion context

667:    Note:
668:    Not available in Fortran.

670:    Level: developer

672: .seealso: DSGetSlepcSC(), DSSort()
673: @*/
674: PetscErrorCode DSSetSlepcSC(DS ds,SlepcSC sc)
675: {
676:   PetscFunctionBegin;
678:   PetscAssertPointer(sc,2);
679:   if (ds->sc && !ds->scset) PetscCall(PetscFree(ds->sc));
680:   ds->sc    = sc;
681:   ds->scset = PETSC_TRUE;
682:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
683: }

685: /*@C
686:    DSGetSlepcSC - Gets the sorting criterion context.

688:    Not Collective

690:    Input Parameter:
691: .  ds - the direct solver context

693:    Output Parameter:
694: .  sc - a pointer to the sorting criterion context

696:    Note:
697:    Not available in Fortran.

699:    Level: developer

701: .seealso: DSSetSlepcSC(), DSSort()
702: @*/
703: PetscErrorCode DSGetSlepcSC(DS ds,SlepcSC *sc)
704: {
705:   PetscFunctionBegin;
707:   PetscAssertPointer(sc,2);
708:   if (!ds->sc) PetscCall(PetscNew(&ds->sc));
709:   *sc = ds->sc;
710:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
711: }

713: /*@
714:    DSSetFromOptions - Sets DS options from the options database.

716:    Collective

718:    Input Parameters:
719: .  ds - the direct solver context

721:    Notes:
722:    To see all options, run your program with the -help option.

724:    Level: beginner

726: .seealso: DSSetOptionsPrefix()
727: @*/
728: PetscErrorCode DSSetFromOptions(DS ds)
729: {
730:   PetscInt       bs,meth;
731:   PetscBool      flag;
732:   DSParallelType pmode;

734:   PetscFunctionBegin;
736:   PetscCall(DSRegisterAll());
737:   /* Set default type (we do not allow changing it with -ds_type) */
738:   if (!((PetscObject)ds)->type_name) PetscCall(DSSetType(ds,DSNHEP));
739:   PetscObjectOptionsBegin((PetscObject)ds);

741:     PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-ds_block_size","Block size for the dense system solver","DSSetBlockSize",ds->bs,&bs,&flag));
742:     if (flag) PetscCall(DSSetBlockSize(ds,bs));

744:     PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-ds_method","Method to be used for the dense system","DSSetMethod",ds->method,&meth,&flag));
745:     if (flag) PetscCall(DSSetMethod(ds,meth));

747:     PetscCall(PetscOptionsEnum("-ds_parallel","Operation mode in parallel runs","DSSetParallel",DSParallelTypes,(PetscEnum)ds->pmode,(PetscEnum*)&pmode,&flag));
748:     if (flag) PetscCall(DSSetParallel(ds,pmode));

750:     PetscTryTypeMethod(ds,setfromoptions,PetscOptionsObject);
751:     PetscCall(PetscObjectProcessOptionsHandlers((PetscObject)ds,PetscOptionsObject));
752:   PetscOptionsEnd();
753:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
754: }

756: /*@
757:    DSView - Prints the DS data structure.

759:    Collective

761:    Input Parameters:
762: +  ds - the direct solver context
763: -  viewer - optional visualization context

765:    Note:
766:    The available visualization contexts include
767: +     PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_SELF - standard output (default)
768: -     PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD - synchronized standard
769:          output where only the first processor opens
770:          the file.  All other processors send their
771:          data to the first processor to print.

773:    The user can open an alternative visualization context with
774:    PetscViewerASCIIOpen() - output to a specified file.

776:    Level: beginner

778: .seealso: DSViewMat()
779: @*/
780: PetscErrorCode DSView(DS ds,PetscViewer viewer)
781: {
782:   PetscBool         isascii;
783:   PetscViewerFormat format;
784:   PetscMPIInt       size;

786:   PetscFunctionBegin;
788:   if (!viewer) PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIGetStdout(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ds),&viewer));
790:   PetscCheckSameComm(ds,1,viewer,2);
791:   PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&isascii));
792:   if (isascii) {
793:     PetscCall(PetscViewerGetFormat(viewer,&format));
794:     PetscCall(PetscObjectPrintClassNamePrefixType((PetscObject)ds,viewer));
795:     PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ds),&size));
796:     if (size>1) PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  parallel operation mode: %s\n",DSParallelTypes[ds->pmode]));
797:     if (format == PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_INFO_DETAIL) {
798:       PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  current state: %s\n",DSStateTypes[ds->state]));
799:       PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  dimensions: ld=%" PetscInt_FMT ", n=%" PetscInt_FMT ", l=%" PetscInt_FMT ", k=%" PetscInt_FMT,ds->ld,ds->n,ds->l,ds->k));
800:       if (ds->state==DS_STATE_TRUNCATED) PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,", t=%" PetscInt_FMT "\n",ds->t));
801:       else PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"\n"));
802:       PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"  flags:%s%s%s\n",ds->compact?" compact":"",ds->extrarow?" extrarow":"",ds->refined?" refined":""));
803:     }
804:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(viewer));
805:     PetscTryTypeMethod(ds,view,viewer);
806:     PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(viewer));
807:   }
808:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
809: }

811: /*@
812:    DSViewFromOptions - View from options

814:    Collective

816:    Input Parameters:
817: +  ds   - the direct solver context
818: .  obj  - optional object
819: -  name - command line option

821:    Level: intermediate

823: .seealso: DSView(), DSCreate()
824: @*/
825: PetscErrorCode DSViewFromOptions(DS ds,PetscObject obj,const char name[])
826: {
827:   PetscFunctionBegin;
829:   PetscCall(PetscObjectViewFromOptions((PetscObject)ds,obj,name));
830:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
831: }

833: /*@
834:    DSAllocate - Allocates memory for internal storage or matrices in DS.

836:    Logically Collective

838:    Input Parameters:
839: +  ds - the direct solver context
840: -  ld - leading dimension (maximum allowed dimension for the matrices, including
841:         the extra row if present)

843:    Note:
844:    If the leading dimension is different from a previously set value, then
845:    all matrices are destroyed with DSReset().

847:    Level: intermediate

849: .seealso: DSGetLeadingDimension(), DSSetDimensions(), DSSetExtraRow(), DSReset(), DSReallocate()
850: @*/
851: PetscErrorCode DSAllocate(DS ds,PetscInt ld)
852: {
853:   PetscFunctionBegin;
857:   PetscCheck(ld>0,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ds),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Leading dimension should be at least one");
858:   if (ld!=ds->ld) {
859:     PetscCall(PetscInfo(ds,"Allocating memory with leading dimension=%" PetscInt_FMT "\n",ld));
860:     PetscCall(DSReset(ds));
861:     ds->ld = ld;
862:     PetscUseTypeMethod(ds,allocate,ld);
863:   }
864:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
865: }

867: /*@
868:    DSReallocate - Reallocates memory for internal storage or matrices in DS,
869:    keeping the previously set data.

871:    Logically Collective

873:    Input Parameters:
874: +  ds - the direct solver context
875: -  ld - new leading dimension

877:    Notes:
878:    The new leading dimension must be larger than the previous one. The relevant
879:    data previously set is copied over to the new data structures.

881:    This operation is not available in all DS types.

883:    Level: developer

885: .seealso: DSAllocate()
886: @*/
887: PetscErrorCode DSReallocate(DS ds,PetscInt ld)
888: {
889:   PetscFunctionBegin;
893:   PetscCheck(ds->ld,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ds),PETSC_ERR_ORDER,"DSAllocate() must be called first");
894:   PetscCheck(ld>ds->ld,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ds),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"New leading dimension %" PetscInt_FMT " must be larger than the previous one %" PetscInt_FMT,ld,ds->ld);
895:   PetscCall(PetscInfo(ds,"Reallocating memory with new leading dimension=%" PetscInt_FMT "\n",ld));
896:   PetscUseTypeMethod(ds,reallocate,ld);
897:   ds->ld = ld;
898:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
899: }

901: /*@
902:    DSReset - Resets the DS context to the initial state.

904:    Collective

906:    Input Parameter:
907: .  ds - the direct solver context

909:    Note:
910:    All data structures with size depending on the leading dimension
911:    of DSAllocate() are released.

913:    Level: advanced

915: .seealso: DSDestroy(), DSAllocate()
916: @*/
917: PetscErrorCode DSReset(DS ds)
918: {
919:   PetscInt       i;

921:   PetscFunctionBegin;
923:   if (!ds) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
924:   ds->state    = DS_STATE_RAW;
925:   ds->ld       = 0;
926:   ds->l        = 0;
927:   ds->n        = 0;
928:   ds->k        = 0;
929:   for (i=0;i<DS_NUM_MAT;i++) PetscCall(MatDestroy(&ds->omat[i]));
930:   PetscCall(PetscFree(ds->perm));
931:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
932: }

934: /*@
935:    DSDestroy - Destroys DS context that was created with DSCreate().

937:    Collective

939:    Input Parameter:
940: .  ds - the direct solver context

942:    Level: beginner

944: .seealso: DSCreate()
945: @*/
946: PetscErrorCode DSDestroy(DS *ds)
947: {
948:   PetscFunctionBegin;
949:   if (!*ds) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
951:   if (--((PetscObject)*ds)->refct > 0) { *ds = NULL; PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS); }
952:   PetscCall(DSReset(*ds));
953:   PetscTryTypeMethod(*ds,destroy);
954:   PetscCall(PetscFree((*ds)->work));
955:   PetscCall(PetscFree((*ds)->rwork));
956:   PetscCall(PetscFree((*ds)->iwork));
957:   if (!(*ds)->scset) PetscCall(PetscFree((*ds)->sc));
958:   PetscCall(PetscHeaderDestroy(ds));
959:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
960: }

962: /*@C
963:    DSRegister - Adds a direct solver to the DS package.

965:    Not Collective

967:    Input Parameters:
968: +  name - name of a new user-defined DS
969: -  function - routine to create context

971:    Note:
972:    DSRegister() may be called multiple times to add several user-defined
973:    direct solvers.

975:    Level: advanced

977: .seealso: DSRegisterAll()
978: @*/
979: PetscErrorCode DSRegister(const char *name,PetscErrorCode (*function)(DS))
980: {
981:   PetscFunctionBegin;
982:   PetscCall(DSInitializePackage());
983:   PetscCall(PetscFunctionListAdd(&DSList,name,function));
984:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
985: }

987: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DSCreate_HEP(DS);
988: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DSCreate_NHEP(DS);
989: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DSCreate_GHEP(DS);
990: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DSCreate_GHIEP(DS);
991: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DSCreate_GNHEP(DS);
992: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DSCreate_NHEPTS(DS);
993: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DSCreate_SVD(DS);
994: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DSCreate_HSVD(DS);
995: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DSCreate_GSVD(DS);
996: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DSCreate_PEP(DS);
997: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode DSCreate_NEP(DS);

999: /*@C
1000:    DSRegisterAll - Registers all of the direct solvers in the DS package.

1002:    Not Collective

1004:    Level: advanced

1006: .seealso: DSRegister()
1007: @*/
1008: PetscErrorCode DSRegisterAll(void)
1009: {
1010:   PetscFunctionBegin;
1011:   if (DSRegisterAllCalled) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
1012:   DSRegisterAllCalled = PETSC_TRUE;
1013:   PetscCall(DSRegister(DSHEP,DSCreate_HEP));
1014:   PetscCall(DSRegister(DSNHEP,DSCreate_NHEP));
1015:   PetscCall(DSRegister(DSGHEP,DSCreate_GHEP));
1016:   PetscCall(DSRegister(DSGHIEP,DSCreate_GHIEP));
1017:   PetscCall(DSRegister(DSGNHEP,DSCreate_GNHEP));
1018:   PetscCall(DSRegister(DSNHEPTS,DSCreate_NHEPTS));
1019:   PetscCall(DSRegister(DSSVD,DSCreate_SVD));
1020:   PetscCall(DSRegister(DSHSVD,DSCreate_HSVD));
1021:   PetscCall(DSRegister(DSGSVD,DSCreate_GSVD));
1022:   PetscCall(DSRegister(DSPEP,DSCreate_PEP));
1023:   PetscCall(DSRegister(DSNEP,DSCreate_NEP));
1024:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
1025: }