slepc-main 2025-02-15
Dense Non-Hermitian Eigenvalue Problem.
The problem is expressed as A*X = X*Lambda, where A is the input matrix.
Lambda is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are the arguments of
DSSolve(). After solve, A is overwritten with the upper quasi-triangular
matrix T of the (real) Schur form, A*Q = Q*T.
In the intermediate state A is reduced to upper Hessenberg form.
Computation of left eigenvectors is supported, but two-sided Krylov solvers
usually rely on the related DSNHEPTS.
Used DS matrices
| DS_MAT_A | - problem matrix
| DS_MAT_Q | - orthogonal/unitary transformation that reduces to Hessenberg form
(intermediate step) or matrix of orthogonal Schur vectors
Implemented methods
See Also
DSCreate(), DSSetType(), DSType
Index of all DS routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages