slepc-main 2025-01-19
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Dense Generalized Hermitian Eigenvalue Problem.


The problem is expressed as A*X = B*X*Lambda, where both A and B are real symmetric (or complex Hermitian) and B is positive-definite. Lambda is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are the arguments of DSSolve(). After solve, A is overwritten with Lambda, and B is overwritten with I.

No intermediate state is implemented, nor compact storage.

Used DS matrices

DS_MAT_A  - first problem matrix
DS_MAT_B  - second problem matrix
DS_MAT_Q  - matrix of B-orthogonal eigenvectors, which is equal to X

Implemented methods

0  - Divide and Conquer (_sygvd)

See Also

DSCreate(), DSSetType(), DSType





Index of all DS routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages