slepc-main 2025-02-15
Report Typos and Errors


Selects the mode of operation in parallel runs.


#include "slepcds.h" 
PetscErrorCode DSSetParallel(DS ds,DSParallelType pmode)
Logically Collective

Input Parameters

ds  - the direct solver context
pmode  - the parallel mode

Options Database Key

-ds_parallel <mode>  - Sets the parallel mode, 'redundant', 'synchronized' or 'distributed'


In the 'redundant' parallel mode, all processes will make the computation redundantly, starting from the same data, and producing the same result. This result may be slightly different in the different processes if using a multithreaded BLAS library, which may cause issues in ill-conditioned problems.

In the 'synchronized' parallel mode, only the first MPI process performs the computation and then the computed quantities are broadcast to the other processes in the communicator. This communication is not done automatically, an explicit call to DSSynchronize() is required.

The 'distributed' parallel mode can be used in some DS types only, such as the contour integral method of DSNEP. In this case, every MPI process will be in charge of part of the computation.

See Also

DSSynchronize(), DSGetParallel()





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