Actual source code: epssolve.c

slepc-3.21.1 2024-04-26
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  1: /*
  2:    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  3:    SLEPc - Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations
  4:    Copyright (c) 2002-, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

  6:    This file is part of SLEPc.
  7:    SLEPc is distributed under a 2-clause BSD license (see LICENSE).
  8:    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  9: */
 10: /*
 11:    EPS routines related to the solution process
 12: */

 14: #include <slepc/private/epsimpl.h>
 15: #include <slepc/private/bvimpl.h>
 16: #include <petscdraw.h>

 18: PetscErrorCode EPSComputeVectors(EPS eps)
 19: {
 20:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 21:   EPSCheckSolved(eps,1);
 22:   if (eps->state==EPS_STATE_SOLVED) PetscTryTypeMethod(eps,computevectors);
 23:   eps->state = EPS_STATE_EIGENVECTORS;
 24:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 25: }

 27: #define SWAP(a,b,t) do {t=a;a=b;b=t;} while (0)

 29: static PetscErrorCode EPSComputeValues(EPS eps)
 30: {
 31:   PetscBool      injective,iscomp,isfilter;
 32:   PetscInt       i,n,aux,nconv0;
 33:   Mat            A,B=NULL,G,Z;

 35:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 36:   switch (eps->categ) {
 37:     case EPS_CATEGORY_KRYLOV:
 38:     case EPS_CATEGORY_OTHER:
 39:       PetscCall(STIsInjective(eps->st,&injective));
 40:       if (injective) {
 41:         /* one-to-one mapping: backtransform eigenvalues */
 42:         PetscUseTypeMethod(eps,backtransform);
 43:       } else {
 44:         /* compute eigenvalues from Rayleigh quotient */
 45:         PetscCall(DSGetDimensions(eps->ds,&n,NULL,NULL,NULL));
 46:         if (!n) break;
 47:         PetscCall(EPSGetOperators(eps,&A,&B));
 48:         PetscCall(BVSetActiveColumns(eps->V,0,n));
 49:         PetscCall(DSGetCompact(eps->ds,&iscomp));
 50:         PetscCall(DSSetCompact(eps->ds,PETSC_FALSE));
 51:         PetscCall(DSGetMat(eps->ds,DS_MAT_A,&G));
 52:         PetscCall(BVMatProject(eps->V,A,eps->V,G));
 53:         PetscCall(DSRestoreMat(eps->ds,DS_MAT_A,&G));
 54:         if (B) {
 55:           PetscCall(DSGetMat(eps->ds,DS_MAT_B,&G));
 56:           PetscCall(BVMatProject(eps->V,B,eps->V,G));
 57:           PetscCall(DSRestoreMat(eps->ds,DS_MAT_B,&G));
 58:         }
 59:         PetscCall(DSSolve(eps->ds,eps->eigr,eps->eigi));
 60:         PetscCall(DSSort(eps->ds,eps->eigr,eps->eigi,NULL,NULL,NULL));
 61:         PetscCall(DSSynchronize(eps->ds,eps->eigr,eps->eigi));
 62:         PetscCall(DSSetCompact(eps->ds,iscomp));
 63:         if (eps->ishermitian && (!eps->isgeneralized || eps->ispositive)) { /* V = V * Z */
 64:           PetscCall(DSVectors(eps->ds,DS_MAT_X,NULL,NULL));
 65:           PetscCall(DSGetMat(eps->ds,DS_MAT_X,&Z));
 66:           PetscCall(BVMultInPlace(eps->V,Z,0,n));
 67:           PetscCall(DSRestoreMat(eps->ds,DS_MAT_X,&Z));
 68:         }
 69:         /* in case of STFILTER discard computed eigenvalues that lie outside the wanted interval */
 70:         PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)eps->st,STFILTER,&isfilter));
 71:         if (isfilter) {
 72:           nconv0 = eps->nconv;
 73:           for (i=0;i<eps->nconv;i++) {
 74:             if (PetscRealPart(eps->eigr[eps->perm[i]])<eps->inta || PetscRealPart(eps->eigr[eps->perm[i]])>eps->intb) {
 75:               eps->nconv--;
 76:               if (i<eps->nconv) { SWAP(eps->perm[i],eps->perm[eps->nconv],aux); i--; }
 77:             }
 78:           }
 79:           if (nconv0>eps->nconv) PetscCall(PetscInfo(eps,"Discarded %" PetscInt_FMT " computed eigenvalues lying outside the interval\n",nconv0-eps->nconv));
 80:         }
 81:       }
 82:       break;
 85:       /* eigenvalues already available as an output of the solver */
 86:       break;
 87:   }
 88:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 89: }

 91: /*@
 92:    EPSSolve - Solves the eigensystem.

 94:    Collective

 96:    Input Parameter:
 97: .  eps - eigensolver context obtained from EPSCreate()

 99:    Options Database Keys:
100: +  -eps_view - print information about the solver used
101: .  -eps_view_mat0 - view the first matrix (A)
102: .  -eps_view_mat1 - view the second matrix (B)
103: .  -eps_view_vectors - view the computed eigenvectors
104: .  -eps_view_values - view the computed eigenvalues
105: .  -eps_converged_reason - print reason for convergence, and number of iterations
106: .  -eps_error_absolute - print absolute errors of each eigenpair
107: .  -eps_error_relative - print relative errors of each eigenpair
108: -  -eps_error_backward - print backward errors of each eigenpair

110:    Notes:
111:    All the command-line options listed above admit an optional argument specifying
112:    the viewer type and options. For instance, use '-eps_view_mat0 binary:amatrix.bin'
113:    to save the A matrix to a binary file, '-eps_view_values draw' to draw the computed
114:    eigenvalues graphically, or '-eps_error_relative :myerr.m:ascii_matlab' to save
115:    the errors in a file that can be executed in Matlab.

117:    Level: beginner

119: .seealso: EPSCreate(), EPSSetUp(), EPSDestroy(), EPSSetTolerances()
120: @*/
121: PetscErrorCode EPSSolve(EPS eps)
122: {
123:   PetscInt       i;
124:   PetscBool      hasname;
125:   STMatMode      matmode;
126:   Mat            A,B;

128:   PetscFunctionBegin;
130:   if (eps->state>=EPS_STATE_SOLVED) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
131:   PetscCall(PetscLogEventBegin(EPS_Solve,eps,0,0,0));

133:   /* Call setup */
134:   PetscCall(EPSSetUp(eps));
135:   eps->nconv = 0;
136:   eps->its   = 0;
137:   for (i=0;i<eps->ncv;i++) {
138:     eps->eigr[i]   = 0.0;
139:     eps->eigi[i]   = 0.0;
140:     eps->errest[i] = 0.0;
141:     eps->perm[i]   = i;
142:   }
143:   PetscCall(EPSViewFromOptions(eps,NULL,"-eps_view_pre"));
144:   PetscCall(RGViewFromOptions(eps->rg,NULL,"-rg_view"));

146:   /* Call solver */
147:   PetscUseTypeMethod(eps,solve);
148:   PetscCheck(eps->reason,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"Internal error, solver returned without setting converged reason");
149:   eps->state = EPS_STATE_SOLVED;

151:   /* Only the first nconv columns contain useful information (except in CISS) */
152:   PetscCall(BVSetActiveColumns(eps->V,0,eps->nconv));
153:   if (eps->twosided) PetscCall(BVSetActiveColumns(eps->W,0,eps->nconv));

155:   /* If inplace, purify eigenvectors before reverting operator */
156:   PetscCall(STGetMatMode(eps->st,&matmode));
157:   if (matmode == ST_MATMODE_INPLACE && eps->ispositive) PetscCall(EPSComputeVectors(eps));
158:   PetscCall(STPostSolve(eps->st));

160:   /* Map eigenvalues back to the original problem if appropriate */
161:   PetscCall(EPSComputeValues(eps));

163: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
164:   /* Reorder conjugate eigenvalues (positive imaginary first) */
165:   for (i=0;i<eps->nconv-1;i++) {
166:     if (eps->eigi[i] != 0) {
167:       if (eps->eigi[i] < 0) {
168:         eps->eigi[i] = -eps->eigi[i];
169:         eps->eigi[i+1] = -eps->eigi[i+1];
170:         /* the next correction only works with eigenvectors */
171:         PetscCall(EPSComputeVectors(eps));
172:         PetscCall(BVScaleColumn(eps->V,i+1,-1.0));
173:       }
174:       i++;
175:     }
176:   }
177: #endif

179:   /* Sort eigenvalues according to eps->which parameter */
180:   PetscCall(SlepcSortEigenvalues(eps->sc,eps->nconv,eps->eigr,eps->eigi,eps->perm));
181:   PetscCall(PetscLogEventEnd(EPS_Solve,eps,0,0,0));

183:   /* Various viewers */
184:   PetscCall(EPSViewFromOptions(eps,NULL,"-eps_view"));
185:   PetscCall(EPSConvergedReasonViewFromOptions(eps));
186:   PetscCall(EPSErrorViewFromOptions(eps));
187:   PetscCall(EPSValuesViewFromOptions(eps));
188:   PetscCall(EPSVectorsViewFromOptions(eps));

190:   PetscCall(PetscOptionsHasName(((PetscObject)eps)->options,((PetscObject)eps)->prefix,"-eps_view_mat0",&hasname));
191:   if (hasname) {
192:     PetscCall(EPSGetOperators(eps,&A,NULL));
193:     PetscCall(MatViewFromOptions(A,(PetscObject)eps,"-eps_view_mat0"));
194:   }
195:   if (eps->isgeneralized) {
196:     PetscCall(PetscOptionsHasName(((PetscObject)eps)->options,((PetscObject)eps)->prefix,"-eps_view_mat1",&hasname));
197:     if (hasname) {
198:       PetscCall(EPSGetOperators(eps,NULL,&B));
199:       PetscCall(MatViewFromOptions(B,(PetscObject)eps,"-eps_view_mat1"));
200:     }
201:   }

203:   /* Remove deflation and initial subspaces */
204:   if (eps->nds) {
205:     PetscCall(BVSetNumConstraints(eps->V,0));
206:     eps->nds = 0;
207:   }
208:   eps->nini = 0;
209:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
210: }

212: /*@
213:    EPSGetIterationNumber - Gets the current iteration number. If the
214:    call to EPSSolve() is complete, then it returns the number of iterations
215:    carried out by the solution method.

217:    Not Collective

219:    Input Parameter:
220: .  eps - the eigensolver context

222:    Output Parameter:
223: .  its - number of iterations

225:    Note:
226:    During the i-th iteration this call returns i-1. If EPSSolve() is
227:    complete, then parameter "its" contains either the iteration number at
228:    which convergence was successfully reached, or failure was detected.
229:    Call EPSGetConvergedReason() to determine if the solver converged or
230:    failed and why.

232:    Level: intermediate

234: .seealso: EPSGetConvergedReason(), EPSSetTolerances()
235: @*/
236: PetscErrorCode EPSGetIterationNumber(EPS eps,PetscInt *its)
237: {
238:   PetscFunctionBegin;
240:   PetscAssertPointer(its,2);
241:   *its = eps->its;
242:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
243: }

245: /*@
246:    EPSGetConverged - Gets the number of converged eigenpairs.

248:    Not Collective

250:    Input Parameter:
251: .  eps - the eigensolver context

253:    Output Parameter:
254: .  nconv - number of converged eigenpairs

256:    Note:
257:    This function should be called after EPSSolve() has finished.

259:    Level: beginner

261: .seealso: EPSSetDimensions(), EPSSolve(), EPSGetEigenpair()
262: @*/
263: PetscErrorCode EPSGetConverged(EPS eps,PetscInt *nconv)
264: {
265:   PetscFunctionBegin;
267:   PetscAssertPointer(nconv,2);
268:   EPSCheckSolved(eps,1);
269:   *nconv = eps->nconv;
270:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
271: }

273: /*@
274:    EPSGetConvergedReason - Gets the reason why the EPSSolve() iteration was
275:    stopped.

277:    Not Collective

279:    Input Parameter:
280: .  eps - the eigensolver context

282:    Output Parameter:
283: .  reason - negative value indicates diverged, positive value converged

285:    Options Database Key:
286: .  -eps_converged_reason - print the reason to a viewer

288:    Notes:
289:    Possible values for reason are
290: +  EPS_CONVERGED_TOL - converged up to tolerance
291: .  EPS_CONVERGED_USER - converged due to a user-defined condition
292: .  EPS_DIVERGED_ITS - required more than max_it iterations to reach convergence
293: .  EPS_DIVERGED_BREAKDOWN - generic breakdown in method
294: -  EPS_DIVERGED_SYMMETRY_LOST - pseudo-Lanczos was not able to keep symmetry

296:    Can only be called after the call to EPSSolve() is complete.

298:    Level: intermediate

300: .seealso: EPSSetTolerances(), EPSSolve(), EPSConvergedReason
301: @*/
302: PetscErrorCode EPSGetConvergedReason(EPS eps,EPSConvergedReason *reason)
303: {
304:   PetscFunctionBegin;
306:   PetscAssertPointer(reason,2);
307:   EPSCheckSolved(eps,1);
308:   *reason = eps->reason;
309:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
310: }

312: /*@
313:    EPSGetInvariantSubspace - Gets an orthonormal basis of the computed invariant
314:    subspace.

316:    Collective

318:    Input Parameter:
319: .  eps - the eigensolver context

321:    Output Parameter:
322: .  v - an array of vectors

324:    Notes:
325:    This function should be called after EPSSolve() has finished.

327:    The user should provide in v an array of nconv vectors, where nconv is
328:    the value returned by EPSGetConverged().

330:    The first k vectors returned in v span an invariant subspace associated
331:    with the first k computed eigenvalues (note that this is not true if the
332:    k-th eigenvalue is complex and matrix A is real; in this case the first
333:    k+1 vectors should be used). An invariant subspace X of A satisfies Ax
334:    in X for all x in X (a similar definition applies for generalized
335:    eigenproblems).

337:    Level: intermediate

339: .seealso: EPSGetEigenpair(), EPSGetConverged(), EPSSolve()
340: @*/
341: PetscErrorCode EPSGetInvariantSubspace(EPS eps,Vec v[])
342: {
343:   PetscInt       i;
344:   BV             V=eps->V;
345:   Vec            w;

347:   PetscFunctionBegin;
349:   PetscAssertPointer(v,2);
351:   EPSCheckSolved(eps,1);
352:   PetscCheck(eps->ishermitian || eps->state!=EPS_STATE_EIGENVECTORS,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"EPSGetInvariantSubspace must be called before EPSGetEigenpair,EPSGetEigenvector or EPSComputeError");
353:   if (eps->balance!=EPS_BALANCE_NONE && eps->D) {
354:     PetscCall(BVDuplicateResize(eps->V,eps->nconv,&V));
355:     PetscCall(BVSetActiveColumns(eps->V,0,eps->nconv));
356:     PetscCall(BVCopy(eps->V,V));
357:     for (i=0;i<eps->nconv;i++) {
358:       PetscCall(BVGetColumn(V,i,&w));
359:       PetscCall(VecPointwiseDivide(w,w,eps->D));
360:       PetscCall(BVRestoreColumn(V,i,&w));
361:     }
362:     PetscCall(BVOrthogonalize(V,NULL));
363:   }
364:   for (i=0;i<eps->nconv;i++) PetscCall(BVCopyVec(V,i,v[i]));
365:   if (eps->balance!=EPS_BALANCE_NONE && eps->D) PetscCall(BVDestroy(&V));
366:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
367: }

369: /*@C
370:    EPSGetEigenpair - Gets the i-th solution of the eigenproblem as computed by
371:    EPSSolve(). The solution consists in both the eigenvalue and the eigenvector.

373:    Collective

375:    Input Parameters:
376: +  eps - eigensolver context
377: -  i   - index of the solution

379:    Output Parameters:
380: +  eigr - real part of eigenvalue
381: .  eigi - imaginary part of eigenvalue
382: .  Vr   - real part of eigenvector
383: -  Vi   - imaginary part of eigenvector

385:    Notes:
386:    It is allowed to pass NULL for Vr and Vi, if the eigenvector is not
387:    required. Otherwise, the caller must provide valid Vec objects, i.e.,
388:    they must be created by the calling program with e.g. MatCreateVecs().

390:    If the eigenvalue is real, then eigi and Vi are set to zero. If PETSc is
391:    configured with complex scalars the eigenvalue is stored
392:    directly in eigr (eigi is set to zero) and the eigenvector in Vr (Vi is
393:    set to zero). In both cases, the user can pass NULL in eigi and Vi.

395:    The index i should be a value between 0 and nconv-1 (see EPSGetConverged()).
396:    Eigenpairs are indexed according to the ordering criterion established
397:    with EPSSetWhichEigenpairs().

399:    The 2-norm of the eigenvector is one unless the problem is generalized
400:    Hermitian. In this case the eigenvector is normalized with respect to the
401:    norm defined by the B matrix.

403:    Level: beginner

405: .seealso: EPSGetEigenvalue(), EPSGetEigenvector(), EPSGetLeftEigenvector(), EPSSolve(),
406:           EPSGetConverged(), EPSSetWhichEigenpairs(), EPSGetInvariantSubspace()
407: @*/
408: PetscErrorCode EPSGetEigenpair(EPS eps,PetscInt i,PetscScalar *eigr,PetscScalar *eigi,Vec Vr,Vec Vi)
409: {
410:   PetscFunctionBegin;
413:   EPSCheckSolved(eps,1);
414:   PetscCheck(i>=0,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"The index cannot be negative");
415:   PetscCheck(i<eps->nconv,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"The index can be nconv-1 at most, see EPSGetConverged()");
416:   PetscCall(EPSGetEigenvalue(eps,i,eigr,eigi));
417:   if (Vr || Vi) PetscCall(EPSGetEigenvector(eps,i,Vr,Vi));
418:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
419: }

421: /*@C
422:    EPSGetEigenvalue - Gets the i-th eigenvalue as computed by EPSSolve().

424:    Not Collective

426:    Input Parameters:
427: +  eps - eigensolver context
428: -  i   - index of the solution

430:    Output Parameters:
431: +  eigr - real part of eigenvalue
432: -  eigi - imaginary part of eigenvalue

434:    Notes:
435:    If the eigenvalue is real, then eigi is set to zero. If PETSc is
436:    configured with complex scalars the eigenvalue is stored
437:    directly in eigr (eigi is set to zero).

439:    The index i should be a value between 0 and nconv-1 (see EPSGetConverged()).
440:    Eigenpairs are indexed according to the ordering criterion established
441:    with EPSSetWhichEigenpairs().

443:    Level: beginner

445: .seealso: EPSSolve(), EPSGetConverged(), EPSSetWhichEigenpairs(), EPSGetEigenpair()
446: @*/
447: PetscErrorCode EPSGetEigenvalue(EPS eps,PetscInt i,PetscScalar *eigr,PetscScalar *eigi)
448: {
449:   PetscInt k;

451:   PetscFunctionBegin;
453:   EPSCheckSolved(eps,1);
454:   PetscCheck(i>=0,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"The index cannot be negative");
455:   PetscCheck(i<eps->nconv,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"The index can be nconv-1 at most, see EPSGetConverged()");
456:   k = eps->perm[i];
457: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
458:   if (eigr) *eigr = eps->eigr[k];
459:   if (eigi) *eigi = 0;
460: #else
461:   if (eigr) *eigr = eps->eigr[k];
462:   if (eigi) *eigi = eps->eigi[k];
463: #endif
464:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
465: }

467: /*@
468:    EPSGetEigenvector - Gets the i-th right eigenvector as computed by EPSSolve().

470:    Collective

472:    Input Parameters:
473: +  eps - eigensolver context
474: -  i   - index of the solution

476:    Output Parameters:
477: +  Vr   - real part of eigenvector
478: -  Vi   - imaginary part of eigenvector

480:    Notes:
481:    The caller must provide valid Vec objects, i.e., they must be created
482:    by the calling program with e.g. MatCreateVecs().

484:    If the corresponding eigenvalue is real, then Vi is set to zero. If PETSc is
485:    configured with complex scalars the eigenvector is stored
486:    directly in Vr (Vi is set to zero). In any case, the user can pass NULL in Vr
487:    or Vi if one of them is not required.

489:    The index i should be a value between 0 and nconv-1 (see EPSGetConverged()).
490:    Eigenpairs are indexed according to the ordering criterion established
491:    with EPSSetWhichEigenpairs().

493:    The 2-norm of the eigenvector is one unless the problem is generalized
494:    Hermitian. In this case the eigenvector is normalized with respect to the
495:    norm defined by the B matrix.

497:    Level: beginner

499: .seealso: EPSSolve(), EPSGetConverged(), EPSSetWhichEigenpairs(), EPSGetEigenpair(), EPSGetLeftEigenvector()
500: @*/
501: PetscErrorCode EPSGetEigenvector(EPS eps,PetscInt i,Vec Vr,Vec Vi)
502: {
503:   PetscInt       k;

505:   PetscFunctionBegin;
510:   EPSCheckSolved(eps,1);
511:   PetscCheck(i>=0,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"The index cannot be negative");
512:   PetscCheck(i<eps->nconv,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"The index can be nconv-1 at most, see EPSGetConverged()");
513:   PetscCall(EPSComputeVectors(eps));
514:   k = eps->perm[i];
515:   PetscCall(BV_GetEigenvector(eps->V,k,eps->eigi[k],Vr,Vi));
516:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
517: }

519: /*@
520:    EPSGetLeftEigenvector - Gets the i-th left eigenvector as computed by EPSSolve().

522:    Collective

524:    Input Parameters:
525: +  eps - eigensolver context
526: -  i   - index of the solution

528:    Output Parameters:
529: +  Wr   - real part of left eigenvector
530: -  Wi   - imaginary part of left eigenvector

532:    Notes:
533:    The caller must provide valid Vec objects, i.e., they must be created
534:    by the calling program with e.g. MatCreateVecs().

536:    If the corresponding eigenvalue is real, then Wi is set to zero. If PETSc is
537:    configured with complex scalars the eigenvector is stored directly in Wr
538:    (Wi is set to zero). In any case, the user can pass NULL in Wr or Wi if
539:    one of them is not required.

541:    The index i should be a value between 0 and nconv-1 (see EPSGetConverged()).
542:    Eigensolutions are indexed according to the ordering criterion established
543:    with EPSSetWhichEigenpairs().

545:    Left eigenvectors are available only if the twosided flag was set, see
546:    EPSSetTwoSided().

548:    Level: intermediate

550: .seealso: EPSGetEigenvector(), EPSGetConverged(), EPSSetWhichEigenpairs(), EPSSetTwoSided()
551: @*/
552: PetscErrorCode EPSGetLeftEigenvector(EPS eps,PetscInt i,Vec Wr,Vec Wi)
553: {
554:   PetscInt       k;

556:   PetscFunctionBegin;
561:   EPSCheckSolved(eps,1);
562:   PetscCheck(eps->twosided,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONGSTATE,"Must request left vectors with EPSSetTwoSided");
563:   PetscCheck(i>=0,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"The index cannot be negative");
564:   PetscCheck(i<eps->nconv,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"The index can be nconv-1 at most, see EPSGetConverged()");
565:   PetscCall(EPSComputeVectors(eps));
566:   k = eps->perm[i];
567:   PetscCall(BV_GetEigenvector(eps->W,k,eps->eigi[k],Wr,Wi));
568:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
569: }

571: /*@
572:    EPSGetErrorEstimate - Returns the error estimate associated to the i-th
573:    computed eigenpair.

575:    Not Collective

577:    Input Parameters:
578: +  eps - eigensolver context
579: -  i   - index of eigenpair

581:    Output Parameter:
582: .  errest - the error estimate

584:    Notes:
585:    This is the error estimate used internally by the eigensolver. The actual
586:    error bound can be computed with EPSComputeError(). See also the users
587:    manual for details.

589:    Level: advanced

591: .seealso: EPSComputeError()
592: @*/
593: PetscErrorCode EPSGetErrorEstimate(EPS eps,PetscInt i,PetscReal *errest)
594: {
595:   PetscFunctionBegin;
597:   PetscAssertPointer(errest,3);
598:   EPSCheckSolved(eps,1);
599:   PetscCheck(i>=0,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"The index cannot be negative");
600:   PetscCheck(i<eps->nconv,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"The index can be nconv-1 at most, see EPSGetConverged()");
601:   *errest = eps->errest[eps->perm[i]];
602:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
603: }

605: /*
606:    EPSComputeResidualNorm_Private - Computes the norm of the residual vector
607:    associated with an eigenpair.

609:    Input Parameters:
610:      trans - whether A' must be used instead of A
611:      kr,ki - eigenvalue
612:      xr,xi - eigenvector
613:      z     - three work vectors (the second one not referenced in complex scalars)
614: */
615: PetscErrorCode EPSComputeResidualNorm_Private(EPS eps,PetscBool trans,PetscScalar kr,PetscScalar ki,Vec xr,Vec xi,Vec *z,PetscReal *norm)
616: {
617:   PetscInt       nmat;
618:   Mat            A,B;
619:   Vec            u,w;
620:   PetscScalar    alpha;
621: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
622:   Vec            v;
623:   PetscReal      ni,nr;
624: #endif
625:   PetscErrorCode (*matmult)(Mat,Vec,Vec) = trans? MatMultHermitianTranspose: MatMult;

627:   PetscFunctionBegin;
628:   u = z[0]; w = z[2];
629:   PetscCall(STGetNumMatrices(eps->st,&nmat));
630:   PetscCall(STGetMatrix(eps->st,0,&A));
631:   if (nmat>1) PetscCall(STGetMatrix(eps->st,1,&B));

633: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
634:   v = z[1];
635:   if (ki == 0 || PetscAbsScalar(ki) < PetscAbsScalar(kr*PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON)) {
636: #endif
637:     PetscCall((*matmult)(A,xr,u));                          /* u=A*x */
638:     if (PetscAbsScalar(kr) > PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON) {
639:       if (nmat>1) PetscCall((*matmult)(B,xr,w));
640:       else PetscCall(VecCopy(xr,w));                        /* w=B*x */
641:       alpha = trans? -PetscConj(kr): -kr;
642:       PetscCall(VecAXPY(u,alpha,w));                        /* u=A*x-k*B*x */
643:     }
644:     PetscCall(VecNorm(u,NORM_2,norm));
645: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
646:   } else {
647:     PetscCall((*matmult)(A,xr,u));                          /* u=A*xr */
648:     if (SlepcAbsEigenvalue(kr,ki) > PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON) {
649:       if (nmat>1) PetscCall((*matmult)(B,xr,v));
650:       else PetscCall(VecCopy(xr,v));                        /* v=B*xr */
651:       PetscCall(VecAXPY(u,-kr,v));                          /* u=A*xr-kr*B*xr */
652:       if (nmat>1) PetscCall((*matmult)(B,xi,w));
653:       else PetscCall(VecCopy(xi,w));                        /* w=B*xi */
654:       PetscCall(VecAXPY(u,trans?-ki:ki,w));                 /* u=A*xr-kr*B*xr+ki*B*xi */
655:     }
656:     PetscCall(VecNorm(u,NORM_2,&nr));
657:     PetscCall((*matmult)(A,xi,u));                          /* u=A*xi */
658:     if (SlepcAbsEigenvalue(kr,ki) > PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON) {
659:       PetscCall(VecAXPY(u,-kr,w));                          /* u=A*xi-kr*B*xi */
660:       PetscCall(VecAXPY(u,trans?ki:-ki,v));                 /* u=A*xi-kr*B*xi-ki*B*xr */
661:     }
662:     PetscCall(VecNorm(u,NORM_2,&ni));
663:     *norm = SlepcAbsEigenvalue(nr,ni);
664:   }
665: #endif
666:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
667: }

669: /*@
670:    EPSComputeError - Computes the error (based on the residual norm) associated
671:    with the i-th computed eigenpair.

673:    Collective

675:    Input Parameters:
676: +  eps  - the eigensolver context
677: .  i    - the solution index
678: -  type - the type of error to compute

680:    Output Parameter:
681: .  error - the error

683:    Notes:
684:    The error can be computed in various ways, all of them based on the residual
685:    norm ||Ax-kBx||_2 where k is the eigenvalue and x is the eigenvector.

687:    Level: beginner

689: .seealso: EPSErrorType, EPSSolve(), EPSGetErrorEstimate()
690: @*/
691: PetscErrorCode EPSComputeError(EPS eps,PetscInt i,EPSErrorType type,PetscReal *error)
692: {
693:   Mat            A,B;
694:   Vec            xr,xi,w[3];
695:   PetscReal      t,vecnorm=1.0,errorl;
696:   PetscScalar    kr,ki;
697:   PetscBool      flg;

699:   PetscFunctionBegin;
703:   PetscAssertPointer(error,4);
704:   EPSCheckSolved(eps,1);

706:   /* allocate work vectors */
707: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
708:   PetscCall(EPSSetWorkVecs(eps,3));
709:   xi   = NULL;
710:   w[1] = NULL;
711: #else
712:   PetscCall(EPSSetWorkVecs(eps,5));
713:   xi   = eps->work[3];
714:   w[1] = eps->work[4];
715: #endif
716:   xr   = eps->work[0];
717:   w[0] = eps->work[1];
718:   w[2] = eps->work[2];

720:   /* compute residual norm */
721:   PetscCall(EPSGetEigenpair(eps,i,&kr,&ki,xr,xi));
722:   PetscCall(EPSComputeResidualNorm_Private(eps,PETSC_FALSE,kr,ki,xr,xi,w,error));

724:   /* compute 2-norm of eigenvector */
725:   if (eps->problem_type==EPS_GHEP) PetscCall(VecNorm(xr,NORM_2,&vecnorm));

727:   /* if two-sided, compute left residual norm and take the maximum */
728:   if (eps->twosided) {
729:     PetscCall(EPSGetLeftEigenvector(eps,i,xr,xi));
730:     PetscCall(EPSComputeResidualNorm_Private(eps,PETSC_TRUE,kr,ki,xr,xi,w,&errorl));
731:     *error = PetscMax(*error,errorl);
732:   }

734:   /* compute error */
735:   switch (type) {
736:     case EPS_ERROR_ABSOLUTE:
737:       break;
738:     case EPS_ERROR_RELATIVE:
739:       *error /= SlepcAbsEigenvalue(kr,ki)*vecnorm;
740:       break;
741:     case EPS_ERROR_BACKWARD:
742:       /* initialization of matrix norms */
743:       if (!eps->nrma) {
744:         PetscCall(STGetMatrix(eps->st,0,&A));
745:         PetscCall(MatHasOperation(A,MATOP_NORM,&flg));
746:         PetscCheck(flg,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"The computation of backward errors requires a matrix norm operation");
747:         PetscCall(MatNorm(A,NORM_INFINITY,&eps->nrma));
748:       }
749:       if (eps->isgeneralized) {
750:         if (!eps->nrmb) {
751:           PetscCall(STGetMatrix(eps->st,1,&B));
752:           PetscCall(MatHasOperation(B,MATOP_NORM,&flg));
753:           PetscCheck(flg,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_WRONG,"The computation of backward errors requires a matrix norm operation");
754:           PetscCall(MatNorm(B,NORM_INFINITY,&eps->nrmb));
755:         }
756:       } else eps->nrmb = 1.0;
757:       t = SlepcAbsEigenvalue(kr,ki);
758:       *error /= (eps->nrma+t*eps->nrmb)*vecnorm;
759:       break;
760:     default:
761:       SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Invalid error type");
762:   }
763:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
764: }

766: /*
767:    EPSGetStartVector - Generate a suitable vector to be used as the starting vector
768:    for the recurrence that builds the right subspace.

770:    Collective

772:    Input Parameters:
773: +  eps - the eigensolver context
774: -  i   - iteration number

776:    Output Parameters:
777: .  breakdown - flag indicating that a breakdown has occurred

779:    Notes:
780:    The start vector is computed from another vector: for the first step (i=0),
781:    the first initial vector is used (see EPSSetInitialSpace()); otherwise a random
782:    vector is created. Then this vector is forced to be in the range of OP (only
783:    for generalized definite problems) and orthonormalized with respect to all
784:    V-vectors up to i-1. The resulting vector is placed in V[i].

786:    The flag breakdown is set to true if either i=0 and the vector belongs to the
787:    deflation space, or i>0 and the vector is linearly dependent with respect
788:    to the V-vectors.
789: */
790: PetscErrorCode EPSGetStartVector(EPS eps,PetscInt i,PetscBool *breakdown)
791: {
792:   PetscReal      norm;
793:   PetscBool      lindep;
794:   Vec            w,z;

796:   PetscFunctionBegin;

800:   /* For the first step, use the first initial vector, otherwise a random one */
801:   if (i>0 || eps->nini==0) PetscCall(BVSetRandomColumn(eps->V,i));

803:   /* Force the vector to be in the range of OP for definite generalized problems */
804:   if (eps->ispositive || (eps->isgeneralized && eps->ishermitian)) {
805:     PetscCall(BVCreateVec(eps->V,&w));
806:     PetscCall(BVCopyVec(eps->V,i,w));
807:     PetscCall(BVGetColumn(eps->V,i,&z));
808:     PetscCall(STApply(eps->st,w,z));
809:     PetscCall(BVRestoreColumn(eps->V,i,&z));
810:     PetscCall(VecDestroy(&w));
811:   }

813:   /* Orthonormalize the vector with respect to previous vectors */
814:   PetscCall(BVOrthogonalizeColumn(eps->V,i,NULL,&norm,&lindep));
815:   if (breakdown) *breakdown = lindep;
816:   else if (lindep || norm == 0.0) {
817:     PetscCheck(i,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"Initial vector is zero or belongs to the deflation space");
818:     PetscCheck(!i,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_CONV_FAILED,"Unable to generate more start vectors");
819:   }
820:   PetscCall(BVScaleColumn(eps->V,i,1.0/norm));
821:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
822: }

824: /*
825:    EPSGetLeftStartVector - Generate a suitable vector to be used as the left starting
826:    vector for the recurrence that builds the left subspace. See EPSGetStartVector().
827: */
828: PetscErrorCode EPSGetLeftStartVector(EPS eps,PetscInt i,PetscBool *breakdown)
829: {
830:   PetscReal      norm;
831:   PetscBool      lindep;

833:   PetscFunctionBegin;

837:   /* For the first step, use the first initial vector, otherwise a random one */
838:   if (i>0 || eps->ninil==0) PetscCall(BVSetRandomColumn(eps->W,i));

840:   /* Orthonormalize the vector with respect to previous vectors */
841:   PetscCall(BVOrthogonalizeColumn(eps->W,i,NULL,&norm,&lindep));
842:   if (breakdown) *breakdown = lindep;
843:   else if (lindep || norm == 0.0) {
844:     PetscCheck(i,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_PLIB,"Left initial vector is zero");
845:     SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_CONV_FAILED,"Unable to generate more left start vectors");
846:   }
847:   PetscCall(BVScaleColumn(eps->W,i,1.0/norm));
848:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
849: }