slepc-3.22.2 2024-12-02
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Specifies how to compute the error estimate used in the convergence test.


#include "slepcsvd.h" 
PetscErrorCode SVDSetConvergenceTest(SVD svd,SVDConv conv)
Logically Collective

Input Parameters

svd  - singular value solver context obtained from SVDCreate()
conv  - the type of convergence test

Options Database Keys

-svd_conv_abs  - Sets the absolute convergence test
-svd_conv_rel  - Sets the convergence test relative to the singular value
-svd_conv_norm  - Sets the convergence test relative to the matrix norm
-svd_conv_maxit  - Forces the maximum number of iterations as set by -svd_max_it
-svd_conv_user  - Selects the user-defined convergence test


The parameter 'conv' can have one of these values
SVD_CONV_ABS  - absolute error ||r||
SVD_CONV_REL  - error relative to the singular value sigma, ||r||/sigma
SVD_CONV_NORM  - error relative to the matrix norms, ||r||/||Z||, with Z=A or Z=[A;B]
SVD_CONV_MAXIT  - no convergence until maximum number of iterations has been reached
SVD_CONV_USER  - function set by SVDSetConvergenceTestFunction()

The default in standard SVD is SVD_CONV_REL, while in GSVD the default is SVD_CONV_NORM.

See Also

SVDGetConvergenceTest(), SVDSetConvergenceTestFunction(), SVDSetStoppingTest(), SVDConv





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