slepc-3.22.0 2024-09-28
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Spectral Transformation - ST

The Spectral Transformation (ST) class encapsulates the functionality required for acceleration techniques based on the transformation of the spectrum. As explained in the SLEPc Users Manual, the eigensolvers implemented in EPS work by applying an operator to a set of vectors and this operator can adopt different forms. The ST object handles all the different possibilities in a uniform way, so that the solver can proceed without knowing which transformation has been selected.

The type of spectral transformation can be specified at run time (e.g., -st_type sinvert) as well as several parameters such as the value of the shift (e.g., -st_shift 1.5).

Polynomial eigensolvers in PEP also support spectral transformation, see the users guide for details.

ST objects are always related to a solver object (either EPS or PEP). Users should not create a standalone ST object. ST options can also be set directly in application codes by first extracting the ST context from the EPS context via EPSGetST() and then directly calling the ST routines (e.g., STSetType() / STSetShift()).

Beginner - Basic usage
ST STSetFromOptions STView
STCreate STSetType
STDestroy STType
Intermediate - Setting options for algorithms and data structures
STCayleyGetAntishift STFilterSetRange STMatMode
STCayleySetAntishift STGetKSP STSetMatMode
STFilterGetDegree STGetMatMode STSetMatrices
STFilterGetInterval STGetMatrix STSetShift
STFilterGetRange STGetNumMatrices STViewFromOptions
STFilterSetDegree STGetShift
STFilterSetInterval STGetType
Advanced - Setting more advanced options and customization
STAppendOptionsPrefix STRegisterAll STSetSplitPreconditioner
STGetMatStructure STReset STSetUp
STGetOperator STRestoreOperator STShellGetContext
STGetOptionsPrefix STSHELL STShellSetApply
STGetPreconditionerMat STSetKSP STShellSetApplyHermitianTranspose
STGetSplitPreconditionerInfo STSetMatStructure STShellSetApplyTranspose
STGetSplitPreconditionerTerm STSetOptionsPrefix STShellSetBackTransform
STRegister STSetPreconditionerMat STShellSetContext
Developer - Interfaces intended primarily for library developers, not for typical applications programmers
STApply STInitializePackage STMatSolveTranspose
STApplyHermitianTranspose STIsInjective STPostSolve
STApplyMat STMatCreateVecs STPrecondGetKSPHasMat
STApplyTranspose STMatCreateVecsEmpty STPrecondSetKSPHasMat
STBackTransform STMatGetLocalSize STResetMatrixState
STCheckNullSpace STMatGetSize STScaleShift
STFilterGetThreshold STMatMatSolve STSetBalanceMatrix
STFinalizePackage STMatMult STSetDefaultShift
STGetBalanceMatrix STMatMultHermitianTranspose STSetStructured
STGetBilinearForm STMatMultTranspose STSetTransform
STGetMatrixTransformed STMatSetUp STSetWorkVecs
STGetStructured STMatSolve
STGetTransform STMatSolveHermitianTranspose
No deprecated routines

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