slepc-3.21.0 2024-03-30
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Sets a function to compute the error estimate used in the convergence test.


#include "slepcnep.h" 
PetscErrorCode NEPSetConvergenceTestFunction(NEP nep,PetscErrorCode (*conv)(NEP nep,PetscScalar eigr,PetscScalar eigi,PetscReal res,PetscReal *errest,void *ctx),void* ctx,PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(void*))
Logically Collective

Input Parameters

nep  - nonlinear eigensolver context obtained from NEPCreate()
conv  - a pointer to the convergence test function
ctx  - context for private data for the convergence routine (may be null)
destroy  - a routine for destroying the context (may be null)

Calling sequence of conv

 PetscErrorCode conv(NEP nep,PetscScalar eigr,PetscScalar eigi,PetscReal res,PetscReal *errest,void *ctx)
nep  - nonlinear eigensolver context obtained from NEPCreate()
eigr  - real part of the eigenvalue
eigi  - imaginary part of the eigenvalue
res  - residual norm associated to the eigenpair
errest  - (output) computed error estimate
ctx  - optional context, as set by NEPSetConvergenceTestFunction()


If the error estimate returned by the convergence test function is less than the tolerance, then the eigenvalue is accepted as converged.

See Also

NEPSetConvergenceTest(), NEPSetTolerances()





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