slepc-main 2025-01-19
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Gets the scaling strategy used by the PEP object, and the associated parameters.


#include "slepcpep.h" 
PetscErrorCode PEPGetScale(PEP pep,PEPScale *scale,PetscReal *alpha,Vec *Dl,Vec *Dr,PetscInt *its,PetscReal *lambda)
Not Collective

Input Parameter

pep  - the eigensolver context

Output Parameters

scale  - scaling strategy
alpha  - the scaling factor used in the scalar strategy
Dl  - the left diagonal matrix of the diagonal scaling algorithm
Dr  - the right diagonal matrix of the diagonal scaling algorithm
its  - number of iterations of the diagonal scaling algorithm
lambda  - approximation to wanted eigenvalues (modulus)


The user can specify NULL for any parameter that is not needed.

If Dl or Dr were not set by the user, then the ones computed internally are returned (or a null pointer if called before PEPSetUp).

See Also

PEPSetScale(), PEPSetUp()





Index of all PEP routines
Table of Contents for all manual pages
Index of all manual pages