slepc-main 2024-12-17
Computes multiple dot products of a vector against all the column vectors of a BV.
#include "slepcbv.h"
PetscErrorCode BVDotVec(BV X,Vec y,PetscScalar m[])
Input Parameters
| X | - basis vectors
| y | - a vector
Output Parameter
| m | - an array where the result must be placed
This is analogue to VecMDot(), but using BV to represent a collection
of vectors. The result is m = X^H*y, so m_i is equal to x_i^H y. Note
that here X is transposed as opposed to BVDot().
If a non-standard inner product has been specified with BVSetMatrix(),
then the result is m = X^H*B*y.
The length of array m must be equal to the number of active columns of X
minus the number of leading columns, i.e. the first entry of m is the
product of the first non-leading column with y.
See Also
BVDot(), BVDotColumn(), BVSetActiveColumns(), BVSetMatrix()
Index of all BV routines
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