Exercise 6: Parallel Execution
The objective of this exercise is to run an example program with different number of processors to see how execution time is reduced. This time, we are going to solve a standard eigensystem Ax=λx with the matrix loaded from a file. In particular, the matrix we are going to use is QC2534. It is a complex matrix of order 2534 arising from a quantum chemistry application (more details can be found at Matrix Market).Compiling
Copy the file ex4.c
text] to your directory and add these lines to the makefile
ex4: ex4.o -${CLINKER} -o ex4 ex4.o ${SLEPC_EPS_LIB} ${RM} ex4.o
Note: In the above text, the blank space in the 2nd and 3rd lines represents a tab.
Build the executable with the command (optimized complex version)
$ make PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-gnu-c-opt-complex ex4
Source Code Details
This example program is very similar to that of exercise 3. It uses the PETSc function MatLoad
to load a matrix from a file. The matrix file is specified
in the command line.
Running the Program
In order to run this example, you will need the file qc2534.petsc
. Locate it in the file system and then run the program with the command
$ ./ex4 -file qc2534.petsc
For execution with more than one process:
$ mpiexec -n 2 ./ex4 -file qc2534.petsc
Check the output of the program. It should be the same as with one process.
Try using the -log_view
option to have a look at the profiling information collected by PETSc and SLEPc. For instance, check the size and number of MPI messages.
$ mpiexec -n 2 ./ex4 -file qc2534.petsc -log_view
Try to find out how much time was spent is solving the eigenvalue problem. Is there a significant reduction when we increase the number of processors?
Instrumenting the Source Code
If we are just interested in knowing the time used by the eigensolver, then it may be better to let our example program inform us. With the function PetscTime, it is possible to obtain the current time of day (wall-clock time) in seconds. Edit the source code and add two calls to this function just before and after the EPSSolve call, as in the following fragment of code
PetscCall(PetscTime(&t1)); PetscCall(EPSSolve(eps)); PetscCall(PetscTime(&t2)); PetscCall(PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD," Elapsed Time: %f\n",t2-t1));
Also you must add the definition of the two new variables
PetscLogDouble t1,t2;
as well as the header
#include <petsctime.h>
Recompile the program with
$ make PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-gnu-c-opt-complex ex4
Run it with one, two and four processors checking the time spent by
the solver
$ mpiexec -n 1 ./ex4 -file qc2534.petsc $ mpiexec -n 2 ./ex4 -file qc2534.petsc $ mpiexec -n 4 ./ex4 -file qc2534.petsc