Exercise 4: Singular Value Decomposition
In this exercise we turn our attention to the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Remember that in real symmetric (or complex Hermitian) matrices, singular values coincide with eigenvalues, but in general this is not the case. The SVD is defined for any matrix, even rectangular ones. Singular values are always non-negative real values.This example works also by reading a matrix from a file. In particular, the matrix to be used is related to a 2D reaction-diffusion model. More details about this problem can be found at Matrix Market.
Copy the file ex14.c
text] to your directory and add these lines to the makefile
ex14: ex14.o -${CLINKER} -o ex14 ex14.o ${SLEPC_SVD_LIB} ${RM} ex14.o
Note: In the above text, the blank space in the 2nd and 3rd lines represents a tab.
Build the executable with the command
$ make ex14
Running the Program
In order to run the program, type the following
$ ./ex14 -file $SLEPC_DIR/share/slepc/datafiles/matrices/rdb200.petsc
You should get an output similar to this
Singular value problem stored in file. Reading REAL matrix from a binary file... Number of iterations of the method: 3 Solution method: cross Number of requested singular values: 1 Stopping condition: tol=1e-08, maxit=100 SVD solve converged (1 singular triplet) due to CONVERGED_TOL; iterations 3 ---------------------- -------------------- sigma relative error ---------------------- -------------------- 35.007519 1.40809e-10 ---------------------- --------------------
Source Code Details
The way in which the SVD object works is very similar to that of EPS.
However, some important differences exist.
Examine the source code of the example program and pay attention to the
differences with respect to EPS.
After loading the matrix, the problem is solved by the following sequence of function calls:
(MPI_Comm comm,SVD *svd);
(SVD svd,Mat A,Mat B);
(SVD svd);
(SVD svd);
(SVD svd, int *nconv);
(SVD svd,int i,PetscReal *sigma,Vec u,Vec v);
(SVD svd)
First, the singular value solver (SVD) context is created and the matrix
associated with the problem is specified. Then various options are set for
customized solution. After that, the program solves the problem, retrieves the solution, and
finally destroys the SVD context.
Note that the singular value, sigma
, is defined as a
, and that the singular vectors are simple Vec
SVD Options
Most of the options available in the EPS object have their equivalent in SVD. A full list of command-line options can be obtained by running the example with the option -help
To show information about the SVD solver, add the -svd_view
$ ./ex14 -file $SLEPC_DIR/share/slepc/datafiles/matrices/rdb200.petsc -svd_view
Note: All the command-line options related to the SVD object have the -svd_
Your output will include something like this
SVD Object: 1 MPI processes type: cross implicit matrix EPS Object: (svd_cross_) 1 MPI processes type: krylovschur 50% of basis vectors kept after restart using the locking variant problem type: symmetric eigenvalue problem selected portion of the spectrum: largest real parts number of eigenvalues (nev): 1 number of column vectors (ncv): 16 maximum dimension of projected problem (mpd): 16 maximum number of iterations: 100 tolerance: 1e-09 convergence test: relative to the eigenvalue BV Object: (svd_cross_) 1 MPI processes type: svec 17 columns of global length 200 vector orthogonalization method: classical Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization refinement: if needed (eta: 0.7071) block orthogonalization method: GS doing matmult as a single matrix-matrix product DS Object: (svd_cross_) 1 MPI processes type: hep solving the problem with: Implicit QR method (_steqr) ST Object: (svd_cross_) 1 MPI processes type: shift shift: 0. number of matrices: 1 using a shell matrix transpose mode: explicit selected portion of the spectrum: largest number of singular values (nsv): 1 number of column vectors (ncv): 16 maximum dimension of projected problem (mpd): 16 maximum number of iterations: 100 tolerance: 1e-08 convergence test: relative to the singular value
The output shows all the options that are susceptible of being changed,
either from the command line or from the source code of the program:
the method, the portion of the spectrum (largest or smallest singular values),
the number of singular values (nsv
), etc.
Try to change some of the values, for instance:
$ ./ex14 -file $SLEPC_DIR/share/slepc/datafiles/matrices/rdb200.petsc -svd_nsv 10 -svd_ncv 40 -svd_smallest
The "transpose mode" refers to whether the transpose of matrix A is being built explicitly or not (see SVDSetImplicitTranspose for an explanation).
Note that in the sample output above, the SVD object contains an EPS object. This only happens in some SVD solver types, as detailed below.
Changing the Singular Value Solver
SLEPc provides several solvers for computing the SVD, which can be selected in the source code with the function SVDSetType, or at run time:
$ ./ex14 -file $SLEPC_DIR/share/slepc/datafiles/matrices/rdb200.petsc -svd_type trlanczos
The following table shows the list of SVD solvers available in SLEPc.
Solver | Command-line Name | Parameter |
Cross Product | cross | SVDCROSS |
Cyclic Matrix | cyclic | SVDCYCLIC |
Lanczos with Explicit Restart | lanczos | SVDLANCZOS |
Lanczos with Thick Restart | trlanczos | SVDTRLANCZOS |
Lapack | lapack | SVDLAPACK |
Note: The Lapack solver is not really a full-featured singular value solver but simply an interface to some LAPACK routines. These routines operate sequentially in dense mode and therefore are suitable only for small size problems. This solver should be used only for debugging purposes.
Note: The default solver is cross
The first two solvers, cross
and cyclic
, are not real
methods implemented in the SVD module, but are two convenient ways of solving
the SVD problem by making use of the eigensolvers available in the EPS module.
In those two cases, the SVD object manages an EPS object internally, whose
parameters can be set as desired (typically only the method). For example:
$ ./ex14 -file $SLEPC_DIR/share/slepc/datafiles/matrices/rdb200.petsc -svd_type cyclic -svd_cyclic_eps_type lanczos -svd_cyclic_eps_lanczos_reorthog local