Actual source code: slepcvec.h
slepc-main 2025-02-15
1: /*
2: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3: SLEPc - Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations
4: Copyright (c) 2002-, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
6: This file is part of SLEPc.
7: SLEPc is distributed under a 2-clause BSD license (see LICENSE).
8: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
9: */
10: /*
11: User interface for various vector operations added in SLEPc
12: */
14: #pragma once
16: #include <slepcsys.h>
18: /* SUBMANSEC = sys */
20: /* VecComp: Vec composed of several smaller Vecs */
21: #define VECCOMP "comp"
23: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecCreateComp(MPI_Comm,PetscInt*,PetscInt,VecType,Vec,Vec*);
24: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecCreateCompWithVecs(Vec*,PetscInt,Vec,Vec*);
25: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecCompGetSubVecs(Vec,PetscInt*,const Vec**);
26: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecCompSetSubVecs(Vec,PetscInt,Vec*);
28: /* Some auxiliary functions */
29: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecNormalizeComplex(Vec,Vec,PetscBool,PetscReal*);
30: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecCheckOrthogonality(Vec[],PetscInt,Vec[],PetscInt,Mat,PetscViewer,PetscReal*);
31: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecCheckOrthonormality(Vec[],PetscInt,Vec[],PetscInt,Mat,PetscViewer,PetscReal*);
32: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecDuplicateEmpty(Vec,Vec*);
33: SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecSetRandomNormal(Vec,PetscRandom,Vec,Vec);
35: /* Deprecated functions */
36: PETSC_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION(3, 8, 0, "VecNormalizeComplex()", ) static inline PetscErrorCode SlepcVecNormalize(Vec xr,Vec xi,PetscBool c,PetscReal *nrm) {return VecNormalizeComplex(xr,xi,c,nrm);}
37: PETSC_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION(3, 8, 0, "VecCheckOrthogonality()", ) static inline PetscErrorCode SlepcCheckOrthogonality(Vec *V,PetscInt nv,Vec *W,PetscInt nw,Mat B,PetscViewer viewer,PetscReal *lev) {return VecCheckOrthogonality(V,nv,W,nw,B,viewer,lev);}