Software Packages that Use SLEPc

The list below shows software packages that use SLEPc or expose part of its functionality in a higher-level context. You can also see the list of applications that use SLEPc.

Finite elements and high-level computational toolkits

  1. FEniCS: a toolkit for the Automation of Computational Mathematical Modeling (ACMM).
  2. RBniCS: reduced order modelling in FEniCS.
  3. dolfin-adjoint: automatic computation of adjoint linear models using DOLFIN (FEniCS). See also tlm_adjoint.
  4. Firedrake: an automated system for the solution of PDEs with FEM. See here an example that uses SLEPc.
  5. libMesh: a C++ framework for the numerical simulation of partial differential equations.
  6. deal.II: a finite element Differential Equations Analysis Library. See here an example that uses SLEPc.
  7. GetDP: a General Environment for the Treatment of Discrete Problems. See here an example that computes eigenvalues.
  8. MOOSE: Multiphysics Object Oriented Simulation Environment.
  9. PHAML: adaptive finite elements for elliptic PDEs.
  10. FreeFEM: A high level multiphysics finite element software.
  11. MFEM: a free, lightweight, scalable C++ library for finite element methods.
  12. OOFEM: an Object Oriented Finite Element code.
  13. PHG: Parallel Hierarchical Grid, an adaptive mesh refinement FEM framework.
  14. Feel++: a C++ library for partial differential equation solves using generalized Galerkin methods.
  15. FEMuS: open-source Finite Element C++ library.
  16. OpenCMISS: Open Continuum Mechanics, Imaging, Signal processing and System identification.
  17. SfePy: Simple Finite Elements in Python.

Many-body calculations, quantum systems, photonics

  1. ELSI: ELectronic Structure Infrastructure.
  2. DFT-FE: real-space DFT calculations using Finite Elements.
  3. TiberCAD: multiscale device simulator.
  4. NEMO5: NanoElectronics MOdeling Tools, which is the basis of other tools such as Quantum Dot Lab.
  5. Femwell: simulation tool for integrated circuits, electric and photonic.
  6. Hammer: numerical tools for treating systems of strongly interacting quantum many body systems.
  7. Yambo: many-body calculations in solid state and molecular physics.
  8. pyCTQW: Continuous-Time Quantum Walk simulator.
  9. PsiQuaSP: Permutation symmetry for identical Quantum Systems Package.
  10. dynamite: fast full quantum dynamics.
  11. quimb: python library for quantum information and many-body calculations.
  12. DanceQ: Divide-And-conquer Number Conserving Exact diagonalization for Quantum systems.

Plasma physics, nuclear engineering

  1. GENE: Gyrokinetic Electromagnetic Numerical Experiment.
  2. GYRO: the General Atomics TGYRO code suite.
  3. PB3D: Peeling-Ballooning in 3-D.
  4. VERA: Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications.
  5. BOUT++: Plasma simulation in curvilinear coordinate systems.
  6. FEMFFUSION: a finite element method code for nuclear reactor modelling.
  7. Milonga: a free nuclear reactor core analysis code.
  8. Rattlesnake: a radiation transport solver for the linearized Boltzmann radiation transport equation.


  1. SALSA: Self-Adapting Large-scale Solver Architecture.
  2. Cubica: a toolkit for subspace deformations.
  3. Dome: a power system analysis toolbox.
  4. ncpaprop: NCPA Infrasound Propagation Modeling Package.
  5. EasterEig: parametric eigenvalue problem depending on a parameter.
  6. pyGPCCA: Generalized Perron Cluster Cluster Analysis.
  7. cmdtools: a suite of tools used and/or developed in the Computational Molecular Design group of ZIB.
  8. BROADCAST: a Python software that discretizes the compressible Navier-Stokes equations and extracts the linearized state derivative operators.
  9. VFI-MEMS: solve the dynamics of a MEMS resonator in a fluid with a nonlinear eigensolver.
  10. helmholtz-x: a python library built upon DOLFINx to solve a non-homogeneous Helmholtz equation, specifically thermoacoustic Helmholtz.
  11. RSVD-Δt: Randomized Singular Value Decomposition with Time-stepping for large-scale resolvent analysis