Actual source code: krylovschur.h
slepc-3.22.2 2024-12-02
1: /*
2: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3: SLEPc - Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations
4: Copyright (c) 2002-, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
6: This file is part of SLEPc.
7: SLEPc is distributed under a 2-clause BSD license (see LICENSE).
8: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
9: */
10: /*
11: Private header for Krylov-Schur
12: */
14: #pragma once
16: SLEPC_INTERN PetscErrorCode EPSSolve_KrylovSchur_Default(EPS);
17: SLEPC_INTERN PetscErrorCode EPSSolve_KrylovSchur_TwoSided(EPS);
18: SLEPC_INTERN PetscErrorCode EPSSolve_KrylovSchur_Slice(EPS);
19: SLEPC_INTERN PetscErrorCode EPSSetUp_KrylovSchur_Slice(EPS);
20: SLEPC_INTERN PetscErrorCode EPSReset_KrylovSchur_Slice(EPS);
21: SLEPC_INTERN PetscErrorCode EPSDestroy_KrylovSchur_Slice(EPS);
22: SLEPC_INTERN PetscErrorCode EPSSolve_KrylovSchur_Indefinite(EPS);
23: SLEPC_INTERN PetscErrorCode EPSSetUp_KrylovSchur_BSE(EPS);
24: SLEPC_INTERN PetscErrorCode EPSSolve_KrylovSchur_BSE_Shao(EPS);
25: SLEPC_INTERN PetscErrorCode EPSSolve_KrylovSchur_BSE_Gruning(EPS);
26: SLEPC_INTERN PetscErrorCode EPSSolve_KrylovSchur_BSE_ProjectedBSE(EPS);
27: SLEPC_INTERN PetscErrorCode EPSGetArbitraryValues(EPS,PetscScalar*,PetscScalar*);
28: SLEPC_INTERN PetscErrorCode EPSKrylovSchurGetChildEPS(EPS,EPS*);
30: /* Structure characterizing a shift in spectrum slicing */
31: typedef struct _n_shift *EPS_shift;
32: struct _n_shift {
33: PetscReal value;
34: PetscInt inertia;
35: PetscBool comp[2]; /* Shows completion of subintervals (left and right) */
36: EPS_shift neighb[2]; /* Adjacent shifts */
37: PetscInt index; /* Index in eig where found values are stored */
38: PetscInt neigs; /* Number of values found */
39: PetscReal ext[2]; /* Limits for accepted values */
40: PetscInt nsch[2]; /* Number of missing values for each subinterval */
41: PetscInt nconv[2]; /* Converged on each side (accepted or not) */
42: PetscBool rep; /* Present shift is reused */
43: };
45: /* Structure for storing the state of spectrum slicing */
46: struct _n_SR {
47: PetscReal int0,int1; /* Extremes of the interval */
48: PetscInt dir; /* Determines the order of values in eig (+1 incr, -1 decr) */
49: PetscBool hasEnd; /* Tells whether the interval has an end */
50: PetscInt inertia0,inertia1;
51: PetscScalar *back;
52: PetscInt numEigs; /* Number of eigenvalues in the interval */
53: PetscInt indexEig;
54: EPS_shift sPres; /* Present shift */
55: EPS_shift *pending; /* Pending shifts array */
56: PetscInt nPend; /* Number of pending shifts */
57: PetscInt maxPend; /* Size of "pending" array */
58: PetscInt *idxDef; /* For deflation */
59: PetscInt nMAXCompl;
60: PetscInt iterCompl;
61: PetscInt itsKs; /* Krylovschur restarts */
62: PetscInt nleap;
63: EPS_shift s0; /* Initial shift */
64: PetscScalar *S; /* Matrix for projected problem */
65: PetscInt nS;
66: EPS_shift sPrev;
67: PetscInt nv; /* position of restart vector */
68: BV V; /* working basis (for subsolve) */
69: BV Vnext; /* temporary working basis during change of shift */
70: PetscScalar *eigr,*eigi; /* eigenvalues (for subsolve) */
71: PetscReal *errest; /* error estimates (for subsolve) */
72: PetscInt *perm; /* permutation (for subsolve) */
73: };
74: typedef struct _n_SR *EPS_SR;
76: typedef struct {
77: PetscReal keep; /* restart parameter */
78: PetscBool lock; /* locking/non-locking variant */
79: /* the following are used only in spectrum slicing */
80: EPS_SR sr; /* spectrum slicing context */
81: PetscInt nev; /* number of eigenvalues to compute */
82: PetscInt ncv; /* number of basis vectors */
83: PetscInt mpd; /* maximum dimension of projected problem */
84: PetscInt npart; /* number of partitions of subcommunicator */
85: PetscBool detect; /* check for zeros during factorizations */
86: PetscReal *subintervals; /* partition of global interval */
87: PetscBool subintset; /* subintervals set by user */
88: PetscMPIInt *nconv_loc; /* converged eigenpairs for each subinterval */
89: EPS eps; /* additional eps for slice runs */
90: PetscBool global; /* flag distinguishing global from local eps */
91: PetscReal *shifts; /* array containing global shifts */
92: PetscInt *inertias; /* array containing global inertias */
93: PetscInt nshifts; /* elements in the arrays of shifts and inertias */
94: PetscSubcomm subc; /* context for subcommunicators */
95: MPI_Comm commrank; /* group processes with same rank in subcommunicators */
96: PetscBool commset; /* flag indicating that commrank was created */
97: PetscObjectState Astate,Bstate; /* state of subcommunicator matrices */
98: PetscObjectId Aid,Bid; /* Id of subcommunicator matrices */
99: IS isrow,iscol; /* index sets used in update of subcomm mats */
100: Mat *submata,*submatb; /* seq matrices used in update of subcomm mats */
101: /* the following are used only in filter */
102: PetscBool estimatedrange; /* the filter range was not set by the user */
103: /* the following are used only for BSE problem type */
104: EPSKrylovSchurBSEType bse; /* the BSE method */