Line data Source code
1 : /*
2 : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 : SLEPc - Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations
4 : Copyright (c) 2002-, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
5 :
6 : This file is part of SLEPc.
7 : SLEPc is distributed under a 2-clause BSD license (see LICENSE).
8 : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
9 : */
10 : /*
11 : This file implements a wrapper to the PRIMME package
12 : */
13 :
14 : #include <slepc/private/epsimpl.h> /*I "slepceps.h" I*/
15 :
16 : #include <primme.h>
17 :
18 : #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
19 : #if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_SINGLE)
20 : #define PRIMME_DRIVER cprimme
21 : #else
22 : #define PRIMME_DRIVER zprimme
23 : #endif
24 : #else
25 : #if defined(PETSC_USE_REAL_SINGLE)
26 : #define PRIMME_DRIVER sprimme
27 : #else
28 : #define PRIMME_DRIVER dprimme
29 : #endif
30 : #endif
31 :
33 : #define SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME2p2
34 : #endif
35 :
36 : typedef struct {
37 : primme_params primme; /* param struct */
38 : PetscInt bs; /* block size */
39 : primme_preset_method method; /* primme method */
40 : Mat A,B; /* problem matrices */
41 : KSP ksp; /* linear solver and preconditioner */
42 : Vec x,y; /* auxiliary vectors */
43 : double target; /* a copy of eps's target */
44 : } EPS_PRIMME;
45 :
46 852 : static void par_GlobalSumReal(void *sendBuf,void *recvBuf,int *count,primme_params *primme,int *ierr)
47 : {
48 852 : if (sendBuf == recvBuf) {
49 1704 : *ierr = MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE,recvBuf,*count,MPIU_REAL,MPIU_SUM,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)primme->commInfo));
50 : } else {
51 0 : *ierr = MPI_Allreduce(sendBuf,recvBuf,*count,MPIU_REAL,MPIU_SUM,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)primme->commInfo));
52 : }
53 852 : }
54 :
55 : #if defined(SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME3)
56 2252 : static void par_broadcastReal(void *buf,int *count,primme_params *primme,int *ierr)
57 : {
58 2252 : *ierr = MPI_Bcast(buf,*count,MPIU_REAL,0/*root*/,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)primme->commInfo));
59 2252 : }
60 : #endif
61 :
62 : #if defined(SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME2p2)
63 7413 : static void convTestFun(double *eval,void *evec,double *resNorm,int *isconv,primme_params *primme,int *err)
64 : {
65 7413 : PetscErrorCode ierr;
66 7413 : EPS eps = (EPS)primme->commInfo;
67 7413 : PetscScalar eigvr = eval?*eval:0.0;
68 7413 : PetscReal r = resNorm?*resNorm:HUGE_VAL,errest;
69 :
70 7413 : ierr = (*eps->converged)(eps,eigvr,0.0,r,&errest,eps->convergedctx);
71 7413 : if (ierr) *err = 1;
72 : else {
73 7413 : *isconv = (errest<=eps->tol?1:0);
74 7413 : *err = 0;
75 : }
76 7413 : }
77 :
78 6591 : static void monitorFun(void *basisEvals,int *basisSize,int *basisFlags,int *iblock,int *blockSize,void *basisNorms,int *numConverged,void *lockedEvals,int *numLocked,int *lockedFlags,void *lockedNorms,int *inner_its,void *LSRes,
79 : #if defined(SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME3)
80 : const char *msg,double *time,
81 : #endif
82 : primme_event *event,struct primme_params *primme,int *err)
83 : {
84 6591 : PetscErrorCode ierr = PETSC_SUCCESS;
85 6591 : EPS eps = (EPS)primme->commInfo;
86 6591 : PetscInt i,k,nerrest;
87 :
88 6591 : switch (*event) {
89 795 : case primme_event_outer_iteration:
90 : /* Update EPS */
91 795 : PetscCallVoid(PetscIntCast(primme->stats.numOuterIterations,&eps->its));
92 795 : eps->nconv = primme->initSize;
93 795 : k=0;
94 1411 : if (lockedEvals && numLocked) for (i=0; i<*numLocked && k<eps->ncv; i++) eps->eigr[k++] = ((PetscReal*)lockedEvals)[i];
95 795 : nerrest = k;
96 795 : if (iblock && blockSize) {
97 2112 : for (i=0; i<*blockSize && k+iblock[i]<eps->ncv; i++) eps->errest[k+iblock[i]] = ((PetscReal*)basisNorms)[i];
98 795 : nerrest = k+(*blockSize>0?1+iblock[*blockSize-1]:0);
99 : }
100 16867 : if (basisEvals && basisSize) for (i=0; i<*basisSize && k<eps->ncv; i++) eps->eigr[k++] = ((PetscReal*)basisEvals)[i];
101 : /* Show progress */
102 795 : ierr = EPSMonitor(eps,eps->its,numConverged?*numConverged:0,eps->eigr,eps->eigi,eps->errest,nerrest);
103 795 : break;
104 : #if defined(SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME3)
105 0 : case primme_event_message:
106 : /* Print PRIMME information messages */
107 0 : ierr = PetscInfo(eps,"%s\n",msg);
108 0 : break;
109 : #endif
110 : default:
111 : break;
112 : }
113 6591 : *err = (ierr!=0)? 1: 0;
114 : }
115 : #endif /* SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME2p2 */
116 :
117 5940 : static void matrixMatvec_PRIMME(void *xa,PRIMME_INT *ldx,void *ya,PRIMME_INT *ldy,int *blockSize,struct primme_params *primme,int *ierr)
118 : {
119 5940 : PetscInt i;
120 5940 : EPS_PRIMME *ops = (EPS_PRIMME*)primme->matrix;
121 5940 : Vec x = ops->x,y = ops->y;
122 5940 : Mat A = ops->A;
123 :
124 5940 : PetscFunctionBegin;
125 13752 : for (i=0;i<*blockSize;i++) {
126 7812 : PetscCallAbort(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A),VecPlaceArray(x,(PetscScalar*)xa+(*ldx)*i));
127 7812 : PetscCallAbort(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A),VecPlaceArray(y,(PetscScalar*)ya+(*ldy)*i));
128 7812 : PetscCallAbort(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A),MatMult(A,x,y));
129 7812 : PetscCallAbort(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A),VecResetArray(x));
130 7812 : PetscCallAbort(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)A),VecResetArray(y));
131 : }
132 5940 : PetscFunctionReturnVoid();
133 : }
134 :
135 : #if defined(SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME3)
136 5506 : static void massMatrixMatvec_PRIMME(void *xa,PRIMME_INT *ldx,void *ya,PRIMME_INT *ldy,int *blockSize,struct primme_params *primme,int *ierr)
137 : {
138 5506 : PetscInt i;
139 5506 : EPS_PRIMME *ops = (EPS_PRIMME*)primme->massMatrix;
140 5506 : Vec x = ops->x,y = ops->y;
141 5506 : Mat B = ops->B;
142 :
143 5506 : PetscFunctionBegin;
144 11012 : for (i=0;i<*blockSize;i++) {
145 5506 : PetscCallAbort(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)B),VecPlaceArray(x,(PetscScalar*)xa+(*ldx)*i));
146 5506 : PetscCallAbort(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)B),VecPlaceArray(y,(PetscScalar*)ya+(*ldy)*i));
147 5506 : PetscCallAbort(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)B),MatMult(B,x,y));
148 5506 : PetscCallAbort(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)B),VecResetArray(x));
149 5506 : PetscCallAbort(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)B),VecResetArray(y));
150 : }
151 5506 : PetscFunctionReturnVoid();
152 : }
153 : #endif
154 :
155 5336 : static void applyPreconditioner_PRIMME(void *xa,PRIMME_INT *ldx,void *ya,PRIMME_INT *ldy,int *blockSize,struct primme_params *primme,int *ierr)
156 : {
157 5336 : PetscInt i;
158 5336 : EPS_PRIMME *ops = (EPS_PRIMME*)primme->matrix;
159 5336 : Vec x = ops->x,y = ops->y;
160 :
161 5336 : PetscFunctionBegin;
162 12375 : for (i=0;i<*blockSize;i++) {
163 7039 : PetscCallAbort(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ops->ksp),VecPlaceArray(x,(PetscScalar*)xa+(*ldx)*i));
164 7039 : PetscCallAbort(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ops->ksp),VecPlaceArray(y,(PetscScalar*)ya+(*ldy)*i));
165 7039 : PetscCallAbort(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ops->ksp),KSPSolve(ops->ksp,x,y));
166 7039 : PetscCallAbort(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ops->ksp),VecResetArray(x));
167 7039 : PetscCallAbort(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ops->ksp),VecResetArray(y));
168 : }
169 5336 : PetscFunctionReturnVoid();
170 : }
171 :
172 10 : static PetscErrorCode EPSSetUp_PRIMME(EPS eps)
173 : {
174 10 : PetscMPIInt numProcs,procID;
175 10 : EPS_PRIMME *ops = (EPS_PRIMME*)eps->data;
176 10 : primme_params *primme = &ops->primme;
177 10 : PetscBool flg;
178 :
179 10 : PetscFunctionBegin;
180 10 : EPSCheckHermitianDefinite(eps);
181 10 : EPSCheckNotStructured(eps);
182 10 : if (eps->nev==0) eps->nev = 1;
183 10 : PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_size(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),&numProcs));
184 10 : PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_rank(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),&procID));
185 :
186 : /* Check some constraints and set some default values */
187 10 : if (eps->max_it==PETSC_DETERMINE) eps->max_it = PETSC_INT_MAX;
188 10 : PetscCall(STGetMatrix(eps->st,0,&ops->A));
189 10 : if (eps->isgeneralized) {
190 : #if defined(SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME3)
191 1 : PetscCall(STGetMatrix(eps->st,1,&ops->B));
192 : #else
193 : SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"This version of PRIMME is not available for generalized problems");
194 : #endif
195 : }
197 10 : EPSCheckIgnored(eps,EPS_FEATURE_BALANCE);
198 10 : if (!eps->which) eps->which = EPS_LARGEST_REAL;
199 : #if !defined(SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME2p2)
200 : if (eps->converged != EPSConvergedAbsolute) PetscCall(PetscInfo(eps,"Warning: using absolute convergence test\n"));
201 : #else
202 10 : EPSCheckIgnored(eps,EPS_FEATURE_CONVERGENCE);
203 : #endif
204 :
205 : /* Transfer SLEPc options to PRIMME options */
206 10 : primme_free(primme);
207 10 : primme_initialize(primme);
208 10 : primme->n = (PRIMME_INT)eps->n;
209 10 : primme->nLocal = (PRIMME_INT)eps->nloc;
210 10 : primme->numEvals = (int)eps->nev;
211 10 : primme->matrix = ops;
212 10 : primme->matrixMatvec = matrixMatvec_PRIMME;
213 : #if defined(SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME3)
214 10 : if (eps->isgeneralized) {
215 1 : primme->massMatrix = ops;
216 1 : primme->massMatrixMatvec = massMatrixMatvec_PRIMME;
217 : }
218 : #endif
219 10 : primme->commInfo = eps;
220 10 : primme->maxOuterIterations = (PRIMME_INT)eps->max_it;
221 : #if !defined(SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME2p2)
222 : primme->eps = SlepcDefaultTol(eps->tol);
223 : #endif
224 10 : primme->numProcs = numProcs;
225 10 : primme->procID = procID;
226 10 : primme->printLevel = 1;
227 10 : primme->correctionParams.precondition = 1;
228 10 : primme->globalSumReal = par_GlobalSumReal;
229 : #if defined(SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME3)
230 10 : primme->broadcastReal = par_broadcastReal;
231 : #endif
232 : #if defined(SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME2p2)
233 10 : primme->convTestFun = convTestFun;
234 10 : primme->monitorFun = monitorFun;
235 : #endif
236 10 : if (ops->bs > 0) primme->maxBlockSize = (int)ops->bs;
237 :
238 10 : switch (eps->which) {
239 3 : case EPS_LARGEST_REAL:
240 3 : primme->target = primme_largest;
241 3 : break;
242 2 : case EPS_SMALLEST_REAL:
243 2 : primme->target = primme_smallest;
244 2 : break;
246 1 : primme->target = primme_largest_abs;
247 1 : ops->target = 0.0;
248 1 : primme->numTargetShifts = 1;
249 1 : primme->targetShifts = &ops->target;
250 1 : break;
252 1 : primme->target = primme_closest_abs;
253 1 : ops->target = 0.0;
254 1 : primme->numTargetShifts = 1;
255 1 : primme->targetShifts = &ops->target;
256 1 : break;
258 : case EPS_TARGET_REAL:
259 3 : primme->target = primme_closest_abs;
260 3 : primme->numTargetShifts = 1;
261 3 : ops->target = PetscRealPart(eps->target);
262 3 : primme->targetShifts = &ops->target;
263 3 : break;
264 0 : default:
265 0 : SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"'which' value not supported by PRIMME");
266 : }
267 :
268 10 : switch (eps->extraction) {
269 7 : case EPS_RITZ:
270 7 : primme->projectionParams.projection = primme_proj_RR;
271 7 : break;
272 1 : case EPS_HARMONIC:
273 1 : primme->projectionParams.projection = primme_proj_harmonic;
274 1 : break;
275 2 : case EPS_REFINED:
276 2 : primme->projectionParams.projection = primme_proj_refined;
277 2 : break;
278 0 : default:
279 0 : SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"'extraction' value not supported by PRIMME");
280 : }
281 :
282 : /* If user sets mpd or ncv, maxBasisSize is modified */
283 10 : if (eps->mpd!=PETSC_DETERMINE) {
284 1 : primme->maxBasisSize = (int)eps->mpd;
285 1 : if (eps->ncv!=PETSC_DETERMINE) PetscCall(PetscInfo(eps,"Warning: 'ncv' is ignored by PRIMME\n"));
286 9 : } else if (eps->ncv!=PETSC_DETERMINE) primme->maxBasisSize = (int)eps->ncv;
287 :
288 10 : PetscCheck(primme_set_method(ops->method,primme)>=0,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_SUP,"PRIMME method not valid");
289 :
290 10 : eps->mpd = (PetscInt)primme->maxBasisSize;
291 10 : eps->ncv = (PetscInt)(primme->locking?eps->nev:0)+primme->maxBasisSize;
292 10 : ops->bs = (PetscInt)primme->maxBlockSize;
293 :
294 : /* Set workspace */
295 10 : PetscCall(EPSAllocateSolution(eps,0));
296 :
297 : /* Setup the preconditioner */
298 10 : if (primme->correctionParams.precondition) {
299 10 : PetscCall(STGetKSP(eps->st,&ops->ksp));
300 10 : PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)ops->ksp,KSPPREONLY,&flg));
301 10 : if (!flg) PetscCall(PetscInfo(eps,"Warning: ignoring KSP, should use KSPPREONLY\n"));
302 10 : primme->preconditioner = NULL;
303 10 : primme->applyPreconditioner = applyPreconditioner_PRIMME;
304 : }
305 :
306 : /* Prepare auxiliary vectors */
307 10 : if (!ops->x) PetscCall(MatCreateVecsEmpty(ops->A,&ops->x,&ops->y));
308 10 : PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
309 : }
310 :
311 10 : static PetscErrorCode EPSSolve_PRIMME(EPS eps)
312 : {
313 10 : EPS_PRIMME *ops = (EPS_PRIMME*)eps->data;
314 10 : PetscScalar *a;
315 10 : PetscInt i,ld,ierrprimme;
316 10 : PetscReal *evals,*rnorms;
317 :
318 10 : PetscFunctionBegin;
319 : /* Reset some parameters left from previous runs */
320 : #if defined(SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME2p2)
321 10 : ops->primme.aNorm = 0.0;
322 : #else
323 : /* Force PRIMME to stop by absolute error */
324 : ops->primme.aNorm = 1.0;
325 : #endif
326 10 : ops->primme.initSize = (int)eps->nini;
327 10 : ops->primme.iseed[0] = -1;
328 10 : ops->primme.iseed[1] = -1;
329 10 : ops->primme.iseed[2] = -1;
330 10 : ops->primme.iseed[3] = -1;
331 10 : PetscCall(BVGetLeadingDimension(eps->V,&ld));
332 10 : ops->primme.ldevecs = (PRIMME_INT)ld;
333 :
334 : /* Call PRIMME solver */
335 10 : PetscCall(BVGetArray(eps->V,&a));
336 10 : PetscCall(PetscMalloc2(eps->ncv,&evals,eps->ncv,&rnorms));
337 10 : ierrprimme = PRIMME_DRIVER(evals,a,rnorms,&ops->primme);
338 267 : for (i=0;i<eps->ncv;i++) eps->eigr[i] = evals[i];
339 257 : for (i=0;i<eps->ncv;i++) eps->errest[i] = rnorms[i];
340 10 : PetscCall(PetscFree2(evals,rnorms));
341 10 : PetscCall(BVRestoreArray(eps->V,&a));
342 :
343 10 : eps->nconv = ops->primme.initSize >= 0 ? (PetscInt)ops->primme.initSize : 0;
344 10 : eps->reason = eps->nconv >= eps->nev ? EPS_CONVERGED_TOL: EPS_DIVERGED_ITS;
345 10 : PetscCall(PetscIntCast(ops->primme.stats.numOuterIterations,&eps->its));
346 :
347 : /* Process PRIMME error code */
348 10 : switch (ierrprimme) {
349 : case 0: /* no error */
350 : break;
351 0 : case -1:
352 0 : SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_LIB,"PRIMME library failed with error code=%" PetscInt_FMT ": unexpected error",ierrprimme);
353 0 : case -2:
354 0 : SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_LIB,"PRIMME library failed with error code=%" PetscInt_FMT ": allocation error",ierrprimme);
355 : case -3: /* stop due to maximum number of iterations or matvecs */
356 : break;
357 0 : default:
358 0 : PetscCheck(ierrprimme<-39,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_LIB,"PRIMME library failed with error code=%" PetscInt_FMT ": configuration error; check PRIMME's manual",ierrprimme);
359 0 : PetscCheck(ierrprimme>=-39,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_LIB,"PRIMME library failed with error code=%" PetscInt_FMT ": runtime error; check PRIMME's manual",ierrprimme);
360 : }
361 10 : PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
362 : }
363 :
364 9 : static PetscErrorCode EPSReset_PRIMME(EPS eps)
365 : {
366 9 : EPS_PRIMME *ops = (EPS_PRIMME*)eps->data;
367 :
368 9 : PetscFunctionBegin;
369 9 : primme_free(&ops->primme);
370 9 : PetscCall(VecDestroy(&ops->x));
371 9 : PetscCall(VecDestroy(&ops->y));
372 9 : PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
373 : }
374 :
375 9 : static PetscErrorCode EPSDestroy_PRIMME(EPS eps)
376 : {
377 9 : PetscFunctionBegin;
378 9 : PetscCall(PetscFree(eps->data));
379 9 : PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)eps,"EPSPRIMMESetBlockSize_C",NULL));
380 9 : PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)eps,"EPSPRIMMESetMethod_C",NULL));
381 9 : PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)eps,"EPSPRIMMEGetBlockSize_C",NULL));
382 9 : PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)eps,"EPSPRIMMEGetMethod_C",NULL));
383 9 : PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
384 : }
385 :
386 0 : static PetscErrorCode EPSView_PRIMME(EPS eps,PetscViewer viewer)
387 : {
388 0 : PetscBool isascii;
389 0 : EPS_PRIMME *ctx = (EPS_PRIMME*)eps->data;
390 0 : PetscMPIInt rank;
391 :
392 0 : PetscFunctionBegin;
393 0 : PetscCall(PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSCVIEWERASCII,&isascii));
394 0 : if (isascii) {
395 0 : PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," block size=%" PetscInt_FMT "\n",ctx->bs));
396 0 : PetscCall(PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer," solver method: %s\n",EPSPRIMMEMethods[(EPSPRIMMEMethod)ctx->method]));
397 :
398 : /* Display PRIMME params */
399 0 : PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_rank(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),&rank));
400 0 : if (!rank) primme_display_params(ctx->primme);
401 : }
402 0 : PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
403 : }
404 :
405 8 : static PetscErrorCode EPSSetFromOptions_PRIMME(EPS eps,PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject)
406 : {
407 8 : EPS_PRIMME *ctx = (EPS_PRIMME*)eps->data;
408 8 : PetscInt bs;
409 8 : EPSPRIMMEMethod meth;
410 8 : PetscBool flg;
411 :
412 8 : PetscFunctionBegin;
413 8 : PetscOptionsHeadBegin(PetscOptionsObject,"EPS PRIMME Options");
414 :
415 8 : PetscCall(PetscOptionsInt("-eps_primme_blocksize","Maximum block size","EPSPRIMMESetBlockSize",ctx->bs,&bs,&flg));
416 8 : if (flg) PetscCall(EPSPRIMMESetBlockSize(eps,bs));
417 :
418 8 : PetscCall(PetscOptionsEnum("-eps_primme_method","Method for solving the eigenproblem","EPSPRIMMESetMethod",EPSPRIMMEMethods,(PetscEnum)ctx->method,(PetscEnum*)&meth,&flg));
419 8 : if (flg) PetscCall(EPSPRIMMESetMethod(eps,meth));
420 :
421 8 : PetscOptionsHeadEnd();
422 8 : PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
423 : }
424 :
425 5 : static PetscErrorCode EPSPRIMMESetBlockSize_PRIMME(EPS eps,PetscInt bs)
426 : {
427 5 : EPS_PRIMME *ops = (EPS_PRIMME*)eps->data;
428 :
429 5 : PetscFunctionBegin;
430 5 : if (bs == PETSC_DEFAULT || bs == PETSC_DECIDE) ops->bs = 0;
431 : else {
432 5 : PetscCheck(bs>0,PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)eps),PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"PRIMME: block size must be positive");
433 5 : ops->bs = bs;
434 : }
435 5 : PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
436 : }
437 :
438 : /*@
439 : EPSPRIMMESetBlockSize - The maximum block size that PRIMME will try to use.
440 :
441 : Logically Collective
442 :
443 : Input Parameters:
444 : + eps - the eigenproblem solver context
445 : - bs - block size
446 :
447 : Options Database Key:
448 : . -eps_primme_blocksize - Sets the max allowed block size value
449 :
450 : Notes:
451 : If the block size is not set, the value established by primme_initialize
452 : is used.
453 :
454 : The user should set the block size based on the architecture specifics
455 : of the target computer, as well as any a priori knowledge of multiplicities.
456 : The code does NOT require bs > 1 to find multiple eigenvalues. For some
457 : methods, keeping bs = 1 yields the best overall performance.
458 :
459 : Level: advanced
460 :
461 : .seealso: EPSPRIMMEGetBlockSize()
462 : @*/
463 5 : PetscErrorCode EPSPRIMMESetBlockSize(EPS eps,PetscInt bs)
464 : {
465 5 : PetscFunctionBegin;
466 5 : PetscValidHeaderSpecific(eps,EPS_CLASSID,1);
467 15 : PetscValidLogicalCollectiveInt(eps,bs,2);
468 5 : PetscTryMethod(eps,"EPSPRIMMESetBlockSize_C",(EPS,PetscInt),(eps,bs));
469 5 : PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
470 : }
471 :
472 4 : static PetscErrorCode EPSPRIMMEGetBlockSize_PRIMME(EPS eps,PetscInt *bs)
473 : {
474 4 : EPS_PRIMME *ops = (EPS_PRIMME*)eps->data;
475 :
476 4 : PetscFunctionBegin;
477 4 : *bs = ops->bs;
478 4 : PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
479 : }
480 :
481 : /*@
482 : EPSPRIMMEGetBlockSize - Get the maximum block size the code will try to use.
483 :
484 : Not Collective
485 :
486 : Input Parameter:
487 : . eps - the eigenproblem solver context
488 :
489 : Output Parameter:
490 : . bs - returned block size
491 :
492 : Level: advanced
493 :
494 : .seealso: EPSPRIMMESetBlockSize()
495 : @*/
496 4 : PetscErrorCode EPSPRIMMEGetBlockSize(EPS eps,PetscInt *bs)
497 : {
498 4 : PetscFunctionBegin;
499 4 : PetscValidHeaderSpecific(eps,EPS_CLASSID,1);
500 4 : PetscAssertPointer(bs,2);
501 4 : PetscUseMethod(eps,"EPSPRIMMEGetBlockSize_C",(EPS,PetscInt*),(eps,bs));
502 4 : PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
503 : }
504 :
505 5 : static PetscErrorCode EPSPRIMMESetMethod_PRIMME(EPS eps,EPSPRIMMEMethod method)
506 : {
507 5 : EPS_PRIMME *ops = (EPS_PRIMME*)eps->data;
508 :
509 5 : PetscFunctionBegin;
510 5 : ops->method = (primme_preset_method)method;
511 5 : PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
512 : }
513 :
514 : /*@
515 : EPSPRIMMESetMethod - Sets the method for the PRIMME library.
516 :
517 : Logically Collective
518 :
519 : Input Parameters:
520 : + eps - the eigenproblem solver context
521 : - method - method that will be used by PRIMME
522 :
523 : Options Database Key:
524 : . -eps_primme_method - Sets the method for the PRIMME library
525 :
526 : Note:
527 : If not set, the method defaults to EPS_PRIMME_DEFAULT_MIN_TIME.
528 :
529 : Level: advanced
530 :
531 : .seealso: EPSPRIMMEGetMethod(), EPSPRIMMEMethod
532 : @*/
533 5 : PetscErrorCode EPSPRIMMESetMethod(EPS eps,EPSPRIMMEMethod method)
534 : {
535 5 : PetscFunctionBegin;
536 5 : PetscValidHeaderSpecific(eps,EPS_CLASSID,1);
537 15 : PetscValidLogicalCollectiveEnum(eps,method,2);
538 5 : PetscTryMethod(eps,"EPSPRIMMESetMethod_C",(EPS,EPSPRIMMEMethod),(eps,method));
539 5 : PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
540 : }
541 :
542 4 : static PetscErrorCode EPSPRIMMEGetMethod_PRIMME(EPS eps,EPSPRIMMEMethod *method)
543 : {
544 4 : EPS_PRIMME *ops = (EPS_PRIMME*)eps->data;
545 :
546 4 : PetscFunctionBegin;
547 4 : *method = (EPSPRIMMEMethod)ops->method;
548 4 : PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
549 : }
550 :
551 : /*@
552 : EPSPRIMMEGetMethod - Gets the method for the PRIMME library.
553 :
554 : Not Collective
555 :
556 : Input Parameter:
557 : . eps - the eigenproblem solver context
558 :
559 : Output Parameter:
560 : . method - method that will be used by PRIMME
561 :
562 : Level: advanced
563 :
564 : .seealso: EPSPRIMMESetMethod(), EPSPRIMMEMethod
565 : @*/
566 4 : PetscErrorCode EPSPRIMMEGetMethod(EPS eps,EPSPRIMMEMethod *method)
567 : {
568 4 : PetscFunctionBegin;
569 4 : PetscValidHeaderSpecific(eps,EPS_CLASSID,1);
570 4 : PetscAssertPointer(method,2);
571 4 : PetscUseMethod(eps,"EPSPRIMMEGetMethod_C",(EPS,EPSPRIMMEMethod*),(eps,method));
572 4 : PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
573 : }
574 :
575 9 : SLEPC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode EPSCreate_PRIMME(EPS eps)
576 : {
577 9 : EPS_PRIMME *primme;
578 :
579 9 : PetscFunctionBegin;
580 9 : PetscCall(PetscNew(&primme));
581 9 : eps->data = (void*)primme;
582 :
583 9 : primme_initialize(&primme->primme);
584 9 : primme->primme.globalSumReal = par_GlobalSumReal;
585 : #if defined(SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME3)
586 9 : primme->primme.broadcastReal = par_broadcastReal;
587 : #endif
588 : #if defined(SLEPC_HAVE_PRIMME2p2)
589 9 : primme->primme.convTestFun = convTestFun;
590 9 : primme->primme.monitorFun = monitorFun;
591 : #endif
592 9 : primme->method = (primme_preset_method)EPS_PRIMME_DEFAULT_MIN_TIME;
593 :
594 9 : eps->categ = EPS_CATEGORY_PRECOND;
595 :
596 9 : eps->ops->solve = EPSSolve_PRIMME;
597 9 : eps->ops->setup = EPSSetUp_PRIMME;
598 9 : eps->ops->setupsort = EPSSetUpSort_Basic;
599 9 : eps->ops->setfromoptions = EPSSetFromOptions_PRIMME;
600 9 : eps->ops->destroy = EPSDestroy_PRIMME;
601 9 : eps->ops->reset = EPSReset_PRIMME;
602 9 : eps->ops->view = EPSView_PRIMME;
603 9 : eps->ops->backtransform = EPSBackTransform_Default;
604 9 : eps->ops->setdefaultst = EPSSetDefaultST_GMRES;
605 :
606 9 : PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)eps,"EPSPRIMMESetBlockSize_C",EPSPRIMMESetBlockSize_PRIMME));
607 9 : PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)eps,"EPSPRIMMESetMethod_C",EPSPRIMMESetMethod_PRIMME));
608 9 : PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)eps,"EPSPRIMMEGetBlockSize_C",EPSPRIMMEGetBlockSize_PRIMME));
609 9 : PetscCall(PetscObjectComposeFunction((PetscObject)eps,"EPSPRIMMEGetMethod_C",EPSPRIMMEGetMethod_PRIMME));
610 9 : PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
611 : }