Citing SLEPc

When referencing SLEPc in a publication, please cite one or more of the following (at least the first one).

If you use functionality from a specific SLEPc version, you can also cite reference [5] below.

Also, you can run the application code with all the options you usually use and the option -citations slepc.bib. This will generate a list of BibTeX references appropriate for that computation.


[1] V. Hernandez, J. E. Roman, and V. Vidal. SLEPc: A scalable and flexible toolkit for the solution of eigenvalue problems. ACM Trans. Math. Software, 31(3):351-362, 2005. [DOI] [Show BibTeX]

   author  = "Vicente Hernandez and Jose E. Roman and Vicente Vidal",
   title   = "{SLEPc}: A scalable and flexible toolkit for the solution of eigenvalue problems",
   journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software",
   volume  = "31",
   number  = "3",
   pages   = "351--362",
   year    = "2005"

[2] V. Hernandez, J. E. Roman, and V. Vidal. SLEPc: Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations. Lect. Notes Comp. Sci., vol. 2565, pages 377-391. Springer, 2003. [DOI] [Show BibTeX]

   author  = "V. Hernandez and J. E. Roman and V. Vidal",
   title   = "{SLEPc}: {Scalable} {Library} for {Eigenvalue} {Problem} {Computations}",
   journal = "Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.",
   volume  = "2565",
   pages   = "377--391",
   year    = "2003"

[3] J. E. Roman, C. Campos, L. Dalcin, E. Romero and A. Tomas. SLEPc Users Manual. Tech. Rep. DSIC-II/24/02 - Revision 3.21, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024. [Show BibTeX]

   author      = "J. E. Roman and C. Campos and L. Dalcin and E. Romero and A. Tomas",
   title       = "{SLEPc} Users Manual",
   number      = "DSIC-II/24/02 - Revision 3.21",
   institution = "D. Sistemes Inform\`atics i Computaci\'o, Universitat Polit\`ecnica de Val\`encia",
   year        = "2024"

[4] V. Hernández, J. E. Román and A. Tomás. Parallel Arnoldi eigensolvers with enhanced scalability via global communications rearrangement. Parallel Comput., 33(7-8):521-540, 2007. [DOI] [Show BibTeX]

  author  = "V. Hern{\'a}ndez and J. E. Rom{\'a}n and A. Tom{\'a}s",
  title   = "Parallel {Arnoldi} eigensolvers with enhanced scalability via global communications rearrangement",
  journal = "Parallel Comput.",
  volume  = "33",
  number  = "7-8",
  pages   = "521--540",
  year    = "2007"

[5] J. E. Román, F. Alvarruiz, C. Campos, L. Dalcin, P. Jolivet, A. Lamas Daviña. Improvements to SLEPc in Releases 3.14-3.18. ACM Trans. Math. Software, 49(3), 2023. [DOI] [Show BibTeX]

  author  = "J. E. Roman and F. Alvarruiz and C. Campos and L. Dalcin and P. Jolivet and Lamas Davi{\~n}a, A.",
  title   = "Improvements to {SLEPc} in releases 3.14{\textendash}3.18",
  journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software",
  volume  = "49",
  number  = "3",
  pages   = "29:1--29:11",
  year    = "2023"

Using a Computational Interval

[6] C. Campos and J. E. Roman. Strategies for spectrum slicing based on restarted Lanczos methods. Numer. Algorithms, 62(2):279-295, 2012. [DOI] [Show BibTeX]

  author  = "C. Campos and J. E. Roman",
  title   = "Strategies for spectrum slicing based on restarted {Lanczos} methods",
  journal = "Numer. Algorithms",
  volume  = "60",
  number  = "2",
  pages   = "279--295",
  year    = "2012"

[7] C. Campos and J. E. Roman. Inertia-based spectrum slicing for symmetric quadratic eigenvalue problems. Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 27(4):e2293, 2020. [DOI] [Show BibTeX]

  author  = "C. Campos and J. E. Roman",
  title   = "Inertia-based spectrum slicing for symmetric quadratic eigenvalue problems",
  journal = "Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.",
  volume  = "27",
  number  = "4",
  pages   = "e2293",
  year    = "2020"

Davidson-type Eigensolvers

[8] E. Romero and J. E. Roman. A parallel implementation of Davidson methods for large-scale eigenvalue problems in SLEPc. ACM Trans. Math. Software, 40(2):13:1-13:29, 2014. [DOI] [Show BibTeX]

  author  = "E. Romero and J. E. Roman",
  title   = "A parallel implementation of {Davidson} methods for large-scale eigenvalue problems in {SLEPc}",
  journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software",
  volume  = "40",
  number  = "2",
  pages   = "13:1--13:29",
  year    = "2014"

[9] E. Romero and J. E. Roman. Computing subdominant unstable modes of turbulent plasma with a parallel Jacobi-Davidson eigensolver. Concurr. Comp.-Pract. E., 23(17):2179-2191, 2011. [DOI] [Show BibTeX]

  author  = "E. Romero and J. E. Roman",
  title   = "Computing subdominant unstable modes of turbulent plasma with a parallel {Jacobi-Davidson} eigensolver",
  journal = "Concurr. Comp.-Pract. E.",
  volume  = "23",
  number  = "17",
  pages   = "2179--2191",
  year    = "2011"

See also reference [15] below (polynomial Jacobi-Davidson).


[10] V. Hernández, J. E. Román and A. Tomás. A robust and efficient parallel SVD solver based on restarted Lanczos bidiagonalization. Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal., 31:68-85, 2008. [Link] [Show BibTeX]

  author  = "V. Hern{\'a}ndez and J. E. Rom{\'a}n and A. Tom{\'a}s",
  title   = "A robust and efficient parallel {SVD} solver based on restarted {Lanczos} bidiagonalization",
  journal = "Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal.",
  volume  = "31",
  pages   = "68--85",
  year    = "2008"

[11] F. Alvarruiz, C. Campos and J. E. Roman. Thick-restarted joint Lanczos bidiagonalization for the GSVD. J. Comput. Appl. Math., 440:115506, 2024. [DOI] [Show BibTeX]

  author  = "F. Alvarruiz and C. Campos and J. E. Roman",
  title   = "Thick-restarted joint {Lanczos} bidiagonalization for the {GSVD}",
  journal = "J. Comput. Appl. Math.",
  volume  = "440",
  pages   = "115506",
  year    = "2024"

Polynomial Eigensolvers

[12] C. Campos and J. E. Roman. Restarted Q-Arnoldi-type methods exploiting symmetry in quadratic eigenvalue problems. BIT Numer. Math., 56(4):1213-1236, 2016. [DOI] [Show BibTeX]

  author  = "C. Campos and J. E. Roman",
  title   = "Restarted {Q-Arnoldi-type} methods exploiting symmetry in quadratic eigenvalue problems",
  journal = "BIT Numer. Math.",
  volume  = "56",
  number  = "4",
  pages   = "1213--1236",
  year    = "2016"

[13] C. Campos and J. E. Roman. Parallel Krylov solvers for the polynomial eigenvalue problem in SLEPc. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 38(5):S385-S411, 2016. [DOI] [Show BibTeX]

  author  = "C. Campos and J. E. Roman",
  title   = "Parallel {Krylov} solvers for the polynomial eigenvalue problem in {SLEPc}",
  journal = "SIAM J. Sci. Comput.",
  volume  = "38",
  number  = "5",
  pages   = "S385--S411",
  year    = "2016"

[14] C. Campos and J. E. Roman. Parallel iterative refinement in polynomial eigenvalue problems. Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 23(4):730-745, 2016. [DOI] [Show BibTeX]

  author  = "C. Campos and J. E. Roman",
  title   = "Parallel iterative refinement in polynomial eigenvalue problems",
  journal = "Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.",
  volume  = "23",
  number  = "4",
  pages   = "730--745",
  year    = "2016"

[15] C. Campos and J. E. Roman. A polynomial Jacobi-Davidson solver with support for non-monomial bases and deflation. BIT Numer. Math., 60:295-318, 2020. [DOI] [Show BibTeX]

  author  = "C. Campos and J. E. Roman",
  title   = "A polynomial {Jacobi-Davidson} solver with support for non-monomial bases and deflation",
  journal = "BIT Numer. Math.",
  volume  = "60",
  pages   = "295--318",
  year    = "2020"

See also reference [7] above (computational interval in quadratic eigenproblems).

General Nonlinear Eigensolvers

[16] C. Campos and J. E. Roman. NEP: a module for the parallel solution of nonlinear eigenvalue problems in SLEPc. ACM Trans. Math. Software, 47(3):23:1-23:29, 2021. [DOI] [Show BibTeX]

  author  = "C. Campos and J. E. Roman",
  title   = "{NEP}: a module for the parallel solution of nonlinear eigenvalue problems in {SLEPc}",
  journal = "ACM Trans. Math. Software",
  volume  = "47",
  number  = "3",
  pages   = "23:1--23:29",
  year    = "2021"

Technical Reports

For referencing any of the SLEPc Technical Reports, use the following template:

   author      = "V. Hernandez and J. E. Roman and A. Tomas and V. Vidal",
   title       = "A survey of software for sparse eigenvalue problems",
   number      = "STR-6",
   institution = "Universitat Polit\`ecnica de Val\`encia",
   note        = "Available at",
   year        = "2009"