Actual source code: invit.c

slepc-3.22.2 2024-12-02
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  1: /*
  2:    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  3:    SLEPc - Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations
  4:    Copyright (c) 2002-, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain

  6:    This file is part of SLEPc.
  7:    SLEPc is distributed under a 2-clause BSD license (see LICENSE).
  8:    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  9: */

 11: #include <slepc/private/dsimpl.h>
 12: #include <slepcblaslapack.h>

 14: struct HRtr
 15: {
 16:   PetscScalar *data;
 17:   PetscInt    m;
 18:   PetscInt    idx[2];
 19:   PetscInt    n[2];
 20:   PetscScalar tau[2];
 21:   PetscReal   alpha;
 22:   PetscReal   cs;
 23:   PetscReal   sn;
 24:   PetscInt    type;
 25: };

 27: /*
 28:   Generates a hyperbolic rotation
 29:     if x1*x1 - x2*x2 != 0
 30:       r = sqrt(|x1*x1 - x2*x2|)
 31:       c = x1/r  s = x2/r

 33:       | c -s||x1|   |d*r|
 34:       |-s  c||x2| = | 0 |
 35:       where d = 1 for type==1 and -1 for type==2
 36:   Returns the condition number of the reduction
 37: */
 38: static PetscErrorCode HRGen(PetscReal x1,PetscReal x2,PetscInt *type,PetscReal *c,PetscReal *s,PetscReal *r,PetscReal *cond)
 39: {
 40:   PetscReal t,n2,xa,xb;
 41:   PetscInt  type_;

 43:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 44:   if (x2==0.0) {
 45:     *r = PetscAbsReal(x1); *c = (x1>=0.0)?1.0:-1.0; *s = 0.0;
 46:     if (type) *type = 1;
 47:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 48:   }
 49:   if (PetscAbsReal(x1) == PetscAbsReal(x2)) {
 50:     /* hyperbolic rotation doesn't exist */
 51:     *c = *s = *r = 0.0;
 52:     if (type) *type = 0;
 53:     *cond = PETSC_MAX_REAL;
 54:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 55:   }

 57:   if (PetscAbsReal(x1)>PetscAbsReal(x2)) {
 58:     xa = x1; xb = x2; type_ = 1;
 59:   } else {
 60:     xa = x2; xb = x1; type_ = 2;
 61:   }
 62:   t = xb/xa;
 63:   n2 = PetscAbsReal(1 - t*t);
 64:   *r = PetscSqrtReal(n2)*PetscAbsReal(xa);
 65:   *c = x1/(*r);
 66:   *s = x2/(*r);
 67:   if (type_ == 2) *r *= -1;
 68:   if (type) *type = type_;
 69:   if (cond) *cond = (PetscAbsReal(*c) + PetscAbsReal(*s))/PetscAbsReal(PetscAbsReal(*c) - PetscAbsReal(*s));
 70:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
 71: }

 73: /*
 74:                                 |c  s|
 75:   Applies an hyperbolic rotator |s  c|
 76:            |c  s|
 77:     [x1 x2]|s  c|
 78: */
 79: static PetscErrorCode HRApply(PetscInt n,PetscScalar *x1,PetscInt inc1,PetscScalar *x2,PetscInt inc2,PetscReal c,PetscReal s)
 80: {
 81:   PetscInt    i;
 82:   PetscReal   t;
 83:   PetscScalar tmp;

 85:   PetscFunctionBegin;
 86:   if (PetscAbsReal(c)>PetscAbsReal(s)) { /* Type I */
 87:     t = s/c;
 88:     for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
 89:       x1[i*inc1] = c*x1[i*inc1] + s*x2[i*inc2];
 90:       x2[i*inc2] = t*x1[i*inc1] + x2[i*inc2]/c;
 91:     }
 92:   } else { /* Type II */
 93:     t = c/s;
 94:     for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
 95:       tmp = x1[i*inc1];
 96:       x1[i*inc1] = c*x1[i*inc1] + s*x2[i*inc2];
 97:       x2[i*inc2] = t*x1[i*inc1] + tmp/s;
 98:     }
 99:   }
100:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
101: }

103: /*
104:   Reduction to tridiagonal-diagonal form (see F. Tisseur, SIMAX 26(1), 2004).

106:   Input:
107:     A symmetric (only lower triangular part is referred)
108:     s vector +1 and -1 (signature matrix)
109:   Output:
110:     d,e
111:     s
112:     Q s-orthogonal matrix with Q^T*A*Q = T (symmetric tridiagonal matrix)
113: */
114: static PetscErrorCode TridiagDiag_HHR(PetscInt n,PetscScalar *A,PetscInt lda,PetscReal *s,PetscScalar* Q,PetscInt ldq,PetscBool flip,PetscReal *d,PetscReal *e,PetscInt *perm_,PetscScalar *work,PetscReal *rwork,PetscBLASInt *iwork)
115: {
116:   PetscInt       i,j,k,*ii,*jj,i0=0,ik=0,type;
117:   PetscInt       nwu=0;
118:   PetscReal      *ss,cond=1.0,cs,sn,r;
119:   PetscScalar    tau,t,*AA;
120:   PetscBLASInt   n0,n1,ni,inc=1,m,n_,lda_,ldq_,*perm,tmp;
121:   PetscBool      breakdown = PETSC_TRUE;

123:   PetscFunctionBegin;
124:   if (n<3) {
125:     if (n==1) Q[0]=1;
126:     if (n==2) {
127:       Q[0] = Q[1+ldq] = 1;
128:       Q[1] = Q[ldq] = 0;
129:     }
130:     PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
131:   }
132:   PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(lda,&lda_));
133:   PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(n,&n_));
134:   PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(ldq,&ldq_));
135:   ss = rwork;
136:   perm = iwork;
137:   AA = work;
138:   for (i=0;i<n;i++) PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(AA+i*n,A+i*lda,n));
139:   nwu += n*n;
140:   k=0;
141:   while (breakdown && k<n) {
142:     breakdown = PETSC_FALSE;
143:     /* Classify (and flip) A and s according to sign */
144:     if (flip) {
145:       for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
146:         PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(n-1-perm_[i],&perm[i]));
147:         if (perm[i]==0) i0 = i;
148:         if (perm[i]==k) ik = i;
149:       }
150:     } else {
151:       for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
152:         PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(perm_[i],&perm[i]));
153:         if (perm[i]==0) i0 = i;
154:         if (perm[i]==k) ik = i;
155:       }
156:     }
157:     perm[ik] = 0;
158:     PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(k,&perm[i0]));
159:     i=1;
160:     while (i<n-1 && s[perm[i-1]]==s[perm[0]]) {
161:       if (s[perm[i]]!=s[perm[0]]) {
162:         j=i+1;
163:         while (j<n-1 && s[perm[j]]!=s[perm[0]])j++;
164:         tmp = perm[i]; perm[i] = perm[j]; perm[j] = tmp;
165:       }
166:       i++;
167:     }
168:     for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
169:       ss[i] = s[perm[i]];
170:     }
171:     if (flip) {
172:       ii = &j;
173:       jj = &i;
174:     } else {
175:       ii = &i;
176:       jj = &j;
177:     }
178:     for (i=0;i<n;i++)
179:       for (j=0;j<n;j++)
180:         A[i+j*lda] = AA[perm[*ii]+perm[*jj]*n];
181:     /* Initialize Q */
182:     for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
183:       PetscCall(PetscArrayzero(Q+i*ldq,n));
184:       Q[perm[i]+i*ldq] = 1.0;
185:     }
186:     for (ni=1;ni<n && ss[ni]==ss[0]; ni++);
187:     n0 = ni-1;
188:     n1 = n_-ni;
189:     for (j=0;j<n-2;j++) {
190:       PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(n-j-1,&m));
191:       /* Forming and applying reflectors */
192:       if (n0 > 1) {
193:         PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarfg",LAPACKlarfg_(&n0,A+ni-n0+j*lda,A+ni-n0+j*lda+1,&inc,&tau));
194:         /* Apply reflector */
195:         if (PetscAbsScalar(tau) != 0.0) {
196:           t=*(A+ni-n0+j*lda);  *(A+ni-n0+j*lda)=1.0;
197:           PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("R",&m,&n0,A+ni-n0+j*lda,&inc,&tau,A+j+1+(j+1)*lda,&lda_,work+nwu));
198:           PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("L",&n0,&m,A+ni-n0+j*lda,&inc,&tau,A+j+1+(j+1)*lda,&lda_,work+nwu));
199:           /* Update Q */
200:           PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("R",&n_,&n0,A+ni-n0+j*lda,&inc,&tau,Q+(j+1)*ldq,&ldq_,work+nwu));
201:           *(A+ni-n0+j*lda) = t;
202:           for (i=1;i<n0;i++) {
203:             *(A+ni-n0+j*lda+i) = 0.0;  *(A+j+(ni-n0+i)*lda) = 0.0;
204:           }
205:           *(A+j+(ni-n0)*lda) = *(A+ni-n0+j*lda);
206:         }
207:       }
208:       if (n1 > 1) {
209:         PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarfg",LAPACKlarfg_(&n1,A+n-n1+j*lda,A+n-n1+j*lda+1,&inc,&tau));
210:         /* Apply reflector */
211:         if (PetscAbsScalar(tau) != 0.0) {
212:           t=*(A+n-n1+j*lda);  *(A+n-n1+j*lda)=1.0;
213:           PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("R",&m,&n1,A+n-n1+j*lda,&inc,&tau,A+j+1+(n-n1)*lda,&lda_,work+nwu));
214:           PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("L",&n1,&m,A+n-n1+j*lda,&inc,&tau,A+n-n1+(j+1)*lda,&lda_,work+nwu));
215:           /* Update Q */
216:           PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("R",&n_,&n1,A+n-n1+j*lda,&inc,&tau,Q+(n-n1)*ldq,&ldq_,work+nwu));
217:           *(A+n-n1+j*lda) = t;
218:           for (i=1;i<n1;i++) {
219:             *(A+n-n1+i+j*lda) = 0.0;  *(A+j+(n-n1+i)*lda) = 0.0;
220:           }
221:           *(A+j+(n-n1)*lda) = *(A+n-n1+j*lda);
222:         }
223:       }
224:       /* Hyperbolic rotation */
225:       if (n0 > 0 && n1 > 0) {
226:         PetscCall(HRGen(PetscRealPart(A[ni-n0+j*lda]),PetscRealPart(A[n-n1+j*lda]),&type,&cs,&sn,&r,&cond));
227:         /* Check condition number */
228:         if (cond > 1.0/(10*PETSC_SQRT_MACHINE_EPSILON)) {
229:           breakdown = PETSC_TRUE;
230:           k++;
231:           PetscCheck(k<n && !flip,PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Breakdown in construction of hyperbolic transformation");
232:           break;
233:         }
234:         A[ni-n0+j*lda] = r; A[n-n1+j*lda] = 0.0;
235:         A[j+(ni-n0)*lda] = r; A[j+(n-n1)*lda] = 0.0;
236:         /* Apply to A */
237:         PetscCall(HRApply(m,A+j+1+(ni-n0)*lda,1,A+j+1+(n-n1)*lda,1,cs,-sn));
238:         PetscCall(HRApply(m,A+ni-n0+(j+1)*lda,lda,A+n-n1+(j+1)*lda,lda,cs,-sn));

240:         /* Update Q */
241:         PetscCall(HRApply(n,Q+(ni-n0)*ldq,1,Q+(n-n1)*ldq,1,cs,-sn));
242:         if (type==2) {
243:           ss[ni-n0] = -ss[ni-n0]; ss[n-n1] = -ss[n-n1];
244:           n0++;ni++;n1--;
245:         }
246:       }
247:       if (n0>0) n0--;
248:       else n1--;
249:     }
250:   }

252:   /* flip matrices */
253:   if (flip) {
254:     for (i=0;i<n-1;i++) {
255:       d[i] = PetscRealPart(A[n-i-1+(n-i-1)*lda]);
256:       e[i] = PetscRealPart(A[n-i-1+(n-i-2)*lda]);
257:       s[i] = ss[n-i-1];
258:     }
259:     s[n-1] = ss[0];
260:     d[n-1] = PetscRealPart(A[0]);
261:     for (i=0;i<n;i++) PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(work+i*n,Q+i*ldq,n));
262:     for (i=0;i<n;i++)
263:       for (j=0;j<n;j++)
264:         Q[i+j*ldq] = work[i+(n-j-1)*n];
265:   } else {
266:     for (i=0;i<n-1;i++) {
267:       d[i] = PetscRealPart(A[i+i*lda]);
268:       e[i] = PetscRealPart(A[i+1+i*lda]);
269:       s[i] = ss[i];
270:     }
271:     s[n-1] = ss[n-1];
272:     d[n-1] = PetscRealPart(A[n-1 + (n-1)*lda]);
273:   }
274:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
275: }

277: static PetscErrorCode MadeHRtr(PetscInt sz,PetscInt n,PetscInt idx0,PetscInt n0,PetscInt idx1,PetscInt n1,struct HRtr *tr1,struct HRtr *tr2,PetscReal *ncond,PetscScalar *work)
278: {
279:   PetscScalar    *x,*y;
280:   PetscReal      ncond2=1.0;
281:   PetscBLASInt   n0_,n1_,inc=1;

283:   PetscFunctionBegin;
284:   /* Hyperbolic transformation to make zeros in x */
285:   x = tr1->data;
286:   tr1->n[0] = n0;
287:   tr1->n[1] = n1;
288:   tr1->idx[0] = idx0;
289:   tr1->idx[1] = idx1;
290:   PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(tr1->n[0],&n0_));
291:   PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(tr1->n[1],&n1_));
292:   if (tr1->n[0] > 1) PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarfg",LAPACKlarfg_(&n0_,x+tr1->idx[0],x+tr1->idx[0]+1,&inc,tr1->tau));
293:   if (tr1->n[1]> 1) PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarfg",LAPACKlarfg_(&n1_,x+tr1->idx[1],x+tr1->idx[1]+1,&inc,tr1->tau+1));
294:   if (tr1->idx[0]<tr1->idx[1]) PetscCall(HRGen(PetscRealPart(x[tr1->idx[0]]),PetscRealPart(x[tr1->idx[1]]),&tr1->type,&tr1->cs,&tr1->sn,&tr1->alpha,ncond));
295:   else {
296:     tr1->alpha = PetscRealPart(x[tr1->idx[0]]);
297:     *ncond = 1.0;
298:   }
299:   if (sz==2) {
300:     y = tr2->data;
301:     /* Apply first transformation to second column */
302:     if (tr1->n[0] > 1 && PetscAbsScalar(tr1->tau[0])!=0.0) {
303:       x[tr1->idx[0]] = 1.0;
304:       PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("L",&n0_,&inc,x+tr1->idx[0],&inc,tr1->tau,y+tr1->idx[0],&n0_,work));
305:     }
306:     if (tr1->n[1] > 1 && PetscAbsScalar(tr1->tau[1])!=0.0) {
307:       x[tr1->idx[1]] = 1.0;
308:       PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("L",&n1_,&inc,x+tr1->idx[1],&inc,tr1->tau+1,y+tr1->idx[1],&n1_,work));
309:     }
310:     if (tr1->idx[0]<tr1->idx[1]) PetscCall(HRApply(1,y+tr1->idx[0],1,y+tr1->idx[1],1,tr1->cs,-tr1->sn));
311:     tr2->n[0] = tr1->n[0];
312:     tr2->n[1] = tr1->n[1];
313:     tr2->idx[0] = tr1->idx[0];
314:     tr2->idx[1] = tr1->idx[1];
315:     if (tr1->idx[0]<tr1->idx[1] && tr1->type==2) {
316:       tr2->idx[1]++; tr2->n[1]--; tr2->n[0]++;
317:     }
318:     if (tr2->n[0]>0) {
319:       tr2->n[0]--; tr2->idx[0]++;
320:       if (tr2->n[1]==0) tr2->idx[1] = tr2->idx[0];
321:     } else {
322:       tr2->n[1]--; tr2->idx[1]++; tr2->idx[0] = tr2->idx[1];
323:     }
324:     /* Hyperbolic transformation to make zeros in y */
325:     PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(tr2->n[0],&n0_));
326:     PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(tr2->n[1],&n1_));
327:     if (tr2->n[0] > 1) PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarfg",LAPACKlarfg_(&n0_,y+tr2->idx[0],y+tr2->idx[0]+1,&inc,tr2->tau));
328:     if (tr2->n[1]> 1) PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarfg",LAPACKlarfg_(&n1_,y+tr2->idx[1],y+tr2->idx[1]+1,&inc,tr2->tau+1));
329:     if (tr2->idx[0]<tr2->idx[1]) PetscCall(HRGen(PetscRealPart(y[tr2->idx[0]]),PetscRealPart(y[tr2->idx[1]]),&tr2->type,&tr2->cs,&tr2->sn,&tr2->alpha,&ncond2));
330:     else {
331:       tr2->alpha = PetscRealPart(y[tr2->idx[0]]);
332:       ncond2 = 1.0;
333:     }
334:     if (ncond2>*ncond) *ncond = ncond2;
335:   }
336:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
337: }

339: /*
340:   Auxiliary function to try perform one iteration of hr routine,
341:   checking condition number. If it is < tolD, apply the
342:   transformation to H and R, if not, ok=false and it do nothing
343:   tolE, tolerance to exchange complex pairs to improve conditioning
344: */
345: static PetscErrorCode TryHRIt(PetscInt n,PetscInt j,PetscInt sz,PetscScalar *H,PetscInt ldh,PetscScalar *R,PetscInt ldr,PetscReal *s,PetscBool *exg,PetscBool *ok,PetscInt *n0,PetscInt *n1,PetscInt *idx0,PetscInt *idx1,PetscReal *cond,PetscScalar *work)
346: {
347:   struct HRtr    *tr1,*tr2,tr1_t,tr2_t,tr1_te,tr2_te;
348:   PetscScalar    *x,*y;
349:   PetscReal      ncond=0,ncond_e;
350:   PetscInt       nwu=0,i,d=1;
351:   PetscBLASInt   n0_,n1_,inc=1,mh,mr,n_,ldr_,ldh_;
352:   PetscReal      tolD = 1e+5;

354:   PetscFunctionBegin;
355:   if (cond) *cond = 1.0;
356:   PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(n,&n_));
357:   PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(ldr,&ldr_));
358:   PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(ldh,&ldh_));
359:   x = work+nwu;
360:   nwu += n;
361:   PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(x,R+j*ldr,n));
362:   *exg = PETSC_FALSE;
363:   *ok = PETSC_TRUE;
364: = x;
365:   if (sz==1) {
366:     /* Hyperbolic transformation to make zeros in x */
367:     PetscCall(MadeHRtr(sz,n,*idx0,*n0,*idx1,*n1,&tr1_t,NULL,&ncond,work+nwu));
368:     /* Check condition number to single column*/
369:     if (ncond>tolD) *ok = PETSC_FALSE;
370:     tr1 = &tr1_t;
371:     tr2 = &tr2_t;
372:   } else {
373:     y = work+nwu;
374:     nwu += n;
375:     PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(y,R+(j+1)*ldr,n));
376: = y;
377:     PetscCall(MadeHRtr(sz,n,*idx0,*n0,*idx1,*n1,&tr1_t,&tr2_t,&ncond,work+nwu));
378:     /* Computing hyperbolic transformations also for exchanged vectors */
379: = work+nwu;
380:     nwu += n;
381:     PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(,R+(j+1)*ldr,n));
382: = work+nwu;
383:     nwu += n;
384:     PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(,R+j*ldr,n));
385:     PetscCall(MadeHRtr(sz,n,*idx0,*n0,*idx1,*n1,&tr1_te,&tr2_te,&ncond_e,work+nwu));
386:     if (ncond > d*ncond_e) {
387:       *exg = PETSC_TRUE;
388:       tr1 = &tr1_te;
389:       tr2 = &tr2_te;
390:       ncond = ncond_e;
391:     } else {
392:       tr1 = &tr1_t;
393:       tr2 = &tr2_t;
394:     }
395:     if (ncond>tolD) *ok = PETSC_FALSE;
396:   }
397:   if (*ok) {
398:     /* Everything is OK, apply transformations to R and H */
399:     /* First column */
400:     if (cond && *cond<ncond) *cond = ncond;
401:     x = tr1->data;
402:     PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(tr1->n[0],&n0_));
403:     PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(tr1->n[1],&n1_));
404:     PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(n-j-sz,&mr));
405:     if (tr1->n[0] > 1 && PetscAbsScalar(tr1->tau[0])!=0.0) {
406:       x[tr1->idx[0]] = 1.0;
407:       PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("L",&n0_,&mr,x+tr1->idx[0],&inc,tr1->tau,R+(j+sz)*ldr+tr1->idx[0],&ldr_,work+nwu));
408:       PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("R",&n_,&n0_,x+tr1->idx[0],&inc,tr1->tau,H+(tr1->idx[0])*ldh,&ldh_,work+nwu));
409:     }
410:     if (tr1->n[1] > 1 && PetscAbsScalar(tr1->tau[1])!=0.0) {
411:       x[tr1->idx[1]] = 1.0;
412:       PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("L",&n1_,&mr,x+tr1->idx[1],&inc,tr1->tau+1,R+(j+sz)*ldr+tr1->idx[1],&ldr_,work+nwu));
413:       PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("R",&n_,&n1_,x+tr1->idx[1],&inc,tr1->tau+1,H+(tr1->idx[1])*ldh,&ldh_,work+nwu));
414:     }
415:     if (tr1->idx[0]<tr1->idx[1]) {
416:       PetscCall(HRApply(mr,R+(j+sz)*ldr+tr1->idx[0],ldr,R+(j+sz)*ldr+tr1->idx[1],ldr,tr1->cs,-tr1->sn));
417:       if (tr1->type==1) PetscCall(HRApply(n,H+(tr1->idx[0])*ldh,1,H+(tr1->idx[1])*ldh,1,tr1->cs,tr1->sn));
418:       else {
419:         PetscCall(HRApply(n,H+(tr1->idx[0])*ldh,1,H+(tr1->idx[1])*ldh,1,-tr1->cs,-tr1->sn));
420:         s[tr1->idx[0]] = -s[tr1->idx[0]];
421:         s[tr1->idx[1]] = -s[tr1->idx[1]];
422:       }
423:     }
424:     for (i=0;i<tr1->idx[0];i++) *(R+j*ldr+i) = x[i];
425:     for (i=tr1->idx[0]+1;i<n;i++) *(R+j*ldr+i) = 0.0;
426:     *(R+j*ldr+tr1->idx[0]) = tr1->alpha;
427:     if (sz==2) {
428:       y = tr2->data;
429:       /* Second column */
430:       PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(tr2->n[0],&n0_));
431:       PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(tr2->n[1],&n1_));
432:       PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(n-j-sz,&mr));
433:       PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(n-tr2->idx[0],&mh));
434:       if (tr2->n[0] > 1 && PetscAbsScalar(tr2->tau[0])!=0.0) {
435:         y[tr2->idx[0]] = 1.0;
436:         PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("L",&n0_,&mr,y+tr2->idx[0],&inc,tr2->tau,R+(j+2)*ldr+tr2->idx[0],&ldr_,work+nwu));
437:         PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("R",&n_,&n0_,y+tr2->idx[0],&inc,tr2->tau,H+(tr2->idx[0])*ldh,&ldh_,work+nwu));
438:       }
439:       if (tr2->n[1] > 1 && PetscAbsScalar(tr2->tau[1])!=0.0) {
440:         y[tr2->idx[1]] = 1.0;
441:         PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("L",&n1_,&mr,y+tr2->idx[1],&inc,tr2->tau+1,R+(j+2)*ldr+tr2->idx[1],&ldr_,work+nwu));
442:         PetscCallBLAS("LAPACKlarf",LAPACKlarf_("R",&n_,&n1_,y+tr2->idx[1],&inc,tr2->tau+1,H+(tr2->idx[1])*ldh,&ldh_,work+nwu));
443:       }
444:       if (tr2->idx[0]<tr2->idx[1]) {
445:         PetscCall(HRApply(mr,R+(j+2)*ldr+tr2->idx[0],ldr,R+(j+2)*ldr+tr2->idx[1],ldr,tr2->cs,-tr2->sn));
446:         if (tr2->type==1) PetscCall(HRApply(n,H+(tr2->idx[0])*ldh,1,H+(tr2->idx[1])*ldh,1,tr2->cs,tr2->sn));
447:         else {
448:           PetscCall(HRApply(n,H+(tr2->idx[0])*ldh,1,H+(tr2->idx[1])*ldh,1,-tr2->cs,-tr2->sn));
449:           s[tr2->idx[0]] = -s[tr2->idx[0]];
450:           s[tr2->idx[1]] = -s[tr2->idx[1]];
451:         }
452:       }
453:       for (i=0;i<tr2->idx[0]-1;i++) *(R+(j+1)*ldr+i) = y[i];
454:       *(R+(j+1)*ldr+tr2->idx[0]-1) = y[tr2->idx[0]-1];
455:       for (i=tr2->idx[0]+1;i<n;i++) *(R+(j+1)*ldr+i) = 0.0;
456:       *(R+(j+1)*ldr+tr2->idx[0]) = tr2->alpha;
457:       *n0 = tr2->n[0];
458:       *n1 = tr2->n[1];
459:       *idx0 = tr2->idx[0];
460:       *idx1 = tr2->idx[1];
461:       if (tr2->idx[0]<tr2->idx[1] && tr2->type==2) {
462:         (*idx1)++; (*n1)--; (*n0)++;
463:       }
464:     } else {
465:       *n0 = tr1->n[0];
466:       *n1 = tr1->n[1];
467:       *idx0 = tr1->idx[0];
468:       *idx1 = tr1->idx[1];
469:       if (tr1->idx[0]<tr1->idx[1] && tr1->type==2) {
470:         (*idx1)++; (*n1)--; (*n0)++;
471:       }
472:     }
473:     if (*n0>0) {
474:       (*n0)--; (*idx0)++;
475:       if (*n1==0) *idx1 = *idx0;
476:     } else {
477:       (*n1)--; (*idx1)++; *idx0 = *idx1;
478:     }
479:   }
480:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
481: }

483: /*
484:   compute V = HR whit H s-orthogonal and R upper triangular
485:   (work: work space of minimum size 6*nv)
486: */
487: PetscErrorCode DSPseudoOrthog_HR(PetscInt *nv,PetscScalar *V,PetscInt ldv,PetscReal *s,PetscScalar *R,PetscInt ldr,PetscBLASInt *perm,PetscBLASInt *cmplxEig,PetscBool *breakdown,PetscScalar *work)
488: {
489:   PetscInt       i,j,n,n0,n1,np,idx0,idx1,sz=1,k=0,nwu=0;
490:   PetscBLASInt   t1,t2;
491:   PetscScalar    *col1,*col2;
492:   PetscBool      exg=PETSC_FALSE,ok=PETSC_FALSE;

494:   PetscFunctionBegin;
495:   n = *nv;
496:   col1 = work+nwu;
497:   nwu += n;
498:   col2 = work+nwu;
499:   nwu += n;
500:   /* Sort R and s according to sing(s) */
501:   np = 0;
502:   for (i=0;i<n;i++) if (s[i]>0) np++;
503:   if (s[0]>0) n1 = np;
504:   else n1 = n-np;
505:   n0 = 0;
506:   for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
507:     if (s[i]==s[0]) {
508:       s[n0] = s[0];
509:       PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(i,&perm[n0++]));
510:     } else PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(i,&perm[n1++]));
511:   }
512:   for (i=n0;i<n;i++) s[i] = -s[0];
513:   n1 -= n0;
514:   idx0 = 0;
515:   idx1 = n0;
516:   if (idx1==n) idx1=idx0;
517:   for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
518:     for (j=0;j<n;j++) R[j*ldr+i] = V[j*ldv+perm[i]];
519:   }
520:   /* Initialize H */
521:   for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
522:     PetscCall(PetscArrayzero(V+i*ldv,n));
523:     V[perm[i]+i*ldv] = 1.0;
524:   }
525:   for (i=0;i<n;i++) PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(i,&perm[i]));
526:   j = 0;
527:   while (j<n-k) {
528:     if (cmplxEig[j]==0) sz=1;
529:     else sz=2;
530:     PetscCall(TryHRIt(n,j,sz,V,ldv,R,ldr,s,&exg,&ok,&n0,&n1,&idx0,&idx1,NULL,work+nwu));
531:     if (ok) {
532:       if (exg) cmplxEig[j] = -cmplxEig[j];
533:       j = j+sz;
534:     } else { /* to be discarded */
535:       k = k+1;
536:       if (cmplxEig[j]==0) {
537:         if (j<n) {
538:           t1 = perm[j];
539:           for (i=j;i<n-1;i++) perm[i] = perm[i+1];
540:           perm[n-1] = t1;
541:           t1 = cmplxEig[j];
542:           for (i=j;i<n-1;i++) cmplxEig[i] = cmplxEig[i+1];
543:           cmplxEig[n-1] = t1;
544:           PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(col1,R+j*ldr,n));
545:           for (i=j;i<n-1;i++) PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(R+i*ldr,R+(i+1)*ldr,n));
546:           PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(R+(n-1)*ldr,col1,n));
547:         }
548:       } else {
549:         k = k+1;
550:         if (j<n-1) {
551:           t1 = perm[j]; t2 = perm[j+1];
552:           for (i=j;i<n-2;i++) perm[i] = perm[i+2];
553:           perm[n-2] = t1; perm[n-1] = t2;
554:           t1 = cmplxEig[j]; t2 = cmplxEig[j+1];
555:           for (i=j;i<n-2;i++) cmplxEig[i] = cmplxEig[i+2];
556:           cmplxEig[n-2] = t1; cmplxEig[n-1] = t2;
557:           PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(col1,R+j*ldr,n));
558:           PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(col2,R+(j+1)*ldr,n));
559:           for (i=j;i<n-2;i++) PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(R+i*ldr,R+(i+2)*ldr,n));
560:           PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(R+(n-2)*ldr,col1,n));
561:           PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(R+(n-1)*ldr,col2,n));
562:         }
563:       }
564:     }
565:   }
566:   if (k!=0) {
567:     if (breakdown) *breakdown = PETSC_TRUE;
568:     *nv = n-k;
569:   }
570:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
571: }

573: PetscErrorCode DSGHIEPOrthogEigenv(DS ds,DSMatType mat,PetscScalar *wr,PetscScalar *wi,PetscBool accum)
574: {
575:   PetscInt          lws,nwus=0,nwui=0,lwi,off,n,nv,ld,i,ldr,l;
576:   const PetscScalar *B,*W;
577:   PetscScalar       *Q,*X,*R,*ts,szero=0.0,sone=1.0;
578:   PetscReal         *s,vi,vr,tr,*d,*e;
579:   PetscBLASInt      ld_,n_,nv_,*perm,*cmplxEig;

581:   PetscFunctionBegin;
582:   l = ds->l;
583:   n = ds->n-l;
584:   PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(n,&n_));
585:   ld = ds->ld;
586:   PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(ld,&ld_));
587:   off = l*ld+l;
588:   PetscCall(DSGetArrayReal(ds,DS_MAT_D,&s));
589:   if (!ds->compact) {
590:     PetscCall(MatDenseGetArrayRead(ds->omat[DS_MAT_B],&B));
591:     for (i=l;i<ds->n;i++) s[i] = PetscRealPart(B[i*ld+i]);
592:     PetscCall(MatDenseRestoreArrayRead(ds->omat[DS_MAT_B],&B));
593:   }
594:   lws = n*n+7*n;
595:   lwi = 2*n;
596:   PetscCall(DSAllocateWork_Private(ds,lws,0,lwi));
597:   R = ds->work+nwus;
598:   nwus += n*n;
599:   ldr = n;
600:   perm = ds->iwork + nwui;
601:   nwui += n;
602:   cmplxEig = ds->iwork+nwui;
603:   PetscCall(MatDenseGetArray(ds->omat[mat],&X));
604:   for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
605: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
606:     vi = PetscImaginaryPart(wr[l+i]);
607: #else
608:     vi = wi?PetscRealPart(wi[l+i]):0.0;
609: #endif
610:     if (vi!=0) {
611:       cmplxEig[i] = 1;
612:       cmplxEig[i+1] = 2;
613:       i++;
614:     } else cmplxEig[i] = 0;
615:   }
616:   nv = n;

618:   /* Perform HR decomposition */
619:   /* Hyperbolic rotators */
620:   PetscCall(DSPseudoOrthog_HR(&nv,X+off,ld,s+l,R,ldr,perm,cmplxEig,NULL,ds->work+nwus));
621:   /* Sort wr,wi perm */
622:   ts = ds->work+nwus;
623:   PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(ts,wr+l,n));
624:   for (i=0;i<n;i++) wr[i+l] = ts[perm[i]];
625: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
626:   if (wi) {
627:     PetscCall(PetscArraycpy(ts,wi+l,n));
628:     for (i=0;i<n;i++) wi[i+l] = ts[perm[i]];
629:   }
630: #endif
631:   /* Projected Matrix */
632:   PetscCall(DSGetArrayReal(ds,DS_MAT_T,&d));
633:   PetscCall(PetscArrayzero(d+2*ld,ld));
634:   e = d+ld;
635:   d[l+nv-1] = PetscRealPart(wr[l+nv-1]*s[l+nv-1]);
636:   for (i=0;i<nv-1;i++) {
637:     if (cmplxEig[i]==0) { /* Real */
638:       d[l+i] = PetscRealPart(wr[l+i]*s[l+i]);
639:       e[l+i] = 0.0;
640:     } else {
641:       vr = PetscRealPart(wr[l+i]);
642: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
643:       vi = PetscImaginaryPart(wr[l+i]);
644: #else
645:       vi = wi?PetscRealPart(wi[l+i]):0.0;
646: #endif
647:       if (cmplxEig[i]==-1) vi = -vi;
648:       tr = PetscRealPart((R[i+(i+1)*ldr]/R[i+i*ldr]))*vi;
649:       d[l+i] = (vr-tr)*s[l+i];
650:       d[l+i+1] = (vr+tr)*s[l+i+1];
651:       e[l+i] = PetscRealPart(s[l+i]*(R[(i+1)+(i+1)*ldr]/R[i+i*ldr])*vi);
652:       if (i<nv-2) e[l+i+1] = 0.0;
653:       i++;
654:     }
655:   }
656:   PetscCall(DSRestoreArrayReal(ds,DS_MAT_T,&d));
657:   PetscCall(DSRestoreArrayReal(ds,DS_MAT_D,&s));
658:   /* accumulate previous Q */
659:   if (accum) {
660:     PetscCall(MatDenseGetArray(ds->omat[DS_MAT_Q],&Q));
661:     PetscCall(PetscBLASIntCast(nv,&nv_));
662:     PetscCall(DSAllocateMat_Private(ds,DS_MAT_W));
663:     PetscCall(MatCopy(ds->omat[DS_MAT_Q],ds->omat[DS_MAT_W],SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN));
664:     PetscCall(MatDenseGetArrayRead(ds->omat[DS_MAT_W],&W));
665:     PetscCallBLAS("BLASgemm",BLASgemm_("N","N",&n_,&nv_,&n_,&sone,W+off,&ld_,X+off,&ld_,&szero,Q+off,&ld_));
666:     PetscCall(MatDenseRestoreArrayRead(ds->omat[DS_MAT_W],&W));
667:     PetscCall(MatDenseRestoreArray(ds->omat[DS_MAT_Q],&Q));
668:   }
669:   ds->t = nv+l;
670:   PetscCall(MatDenseRestoreArray(ds->omat[mat],&X));
671:   if (!ds->compact) PetscCall(DSSwitchFormat_GHIEP(ds,PETSC_FALSE));
672:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
673: }

675: /*
676:    Reduce to tridiagonal-diagonal pair by means of TridiagDiag_HHR.
677: */
678: PetscErrorCode DSIntermediate_GHIEP(DS ds)
679: {
680:   PetscInt       i,ld,off;
681:   PetscInt       nwall,nwallr,nwalli;
682:   PetscScalar    *A,*B,*Q;
683:   PetscReal      *d,*e,*s;

685:   PetscFunctionBegin;
686:   ld = ds->ld;
687:   PetscCall(MatDenseGetArray(ds->omat[DS_MAT_A],&A));
688:   PetscCall(MatDenseGetArray(ds->omat[DS_MAT_B],&B));
689:   PetscCall(MatDenseGetArray(ds->omat[DS_MAT_Q],&Q));
690:   PetscCall(DSGetArrayReal(ds,DS_MAT_T,&d));
691:   PetscCall(DSGetArrayReal(ds,DS_MAT_D,&s));
692:   e = d+ld;
693:   off = ds->l+ds->l*ld;
694:   PetscCall(PetscArrayzero(Q,ld*ld));
695:   nwall = ld*ld+ld;
696:   nwallr = ld;
697:   nwalli = ld;
698:   PetscCall(DSAllocateWork_Private(ds,nwall,nwallr,nwalli));
699:   for (i=0;i<ds->n;i++) Q[i+i*ld]=1.0;
700:   for (i=0;i<ds->n-ds->l;i++) *(ds->perm+i)=i;
701:   if (ds->compact) {
702:     if (ds->state < DS_STATE_INTERMEDIATE) {
703:       PetscCall(DSSwitchFormat_GHIEP(ds,PETSC_FALSE));
704:       PetscCall(TridiagDiag_HHR(ds->k-ds->l+1,A+off,ld,s+ds->l,Q+off,ld,PETSC_TRUE,d+ds->l,e+ds->l,ds->perm,ds->work,ds->rwork,ds->iwork));
705:       ds->k = ds->l;
706:       PetscCall(PetscArrayzero(d+2*ld+ds->l,ds->n-ds->l));
707:     }
708:   } else {
709:     if (ds->state < DS_STATE_INTERMEDIATE) {
710:       for (i=0;i<ds->n;i++) s[i] = PetscRealPart(B[i+i*ld]);
711:       PetscCall(TridiagDiag_HHR(ds->n-ds->l,A+off,ld,s+ds->l,Q+off,ld,PETSC_FALSE,d+ds->l,e+ds->l,ds->perm,ds->work,ds->rwork,ds->iwork));
712:       PetscCall(PetscArrayzero(d+2*ld,ds->n));
713:       ds->k = ds->l;
714:       PetscCall(DSSwitchFormat_GHIEP(ds,PETSC_FALSE));
715:     } else PetscCall(DSSwitchFormat_GHIEP(ds,PETSC_TRUE));
716:   }
717:   PetscCall(MatDenseRestoreArray(ds->omat[DS_MAT_A],&A));
718:   PetscCall(MatDenseRestoreArray(ds->omat[DS_MAT_B],&B));
719:   PetscCall(MatDenseRestoreArray(ds->omat[DS_MAT_Q],&Q));
720:   PetscCall(DSRestoreArrayReal(ds,DS_MAT_T,&d));
721:   PetscCall(DSRestoreArrayReal(ds,DS_MAT_D,&s));
722:   PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
723: }